Showing posts with label Scrapbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrapbook. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Scrapbook Embellishments with Terri Sproul's Mixers

This year I plan will scrapbook more. I LOVE to scrapbook and in the last year or so have gotten away from working on the memory books for my family. That is changing this year--more on that later. When I started playing with Terri Sproul's Mixers, I immediately noticed how versatile these will be in many areas of my arting and crafting. There are so many applications...the design team has only began to play!
Today I am combining my love of scrapbooking with Terri Sproul's Mixers. I hope you enjoy the effects!

for this project you will need: Sakura 3D Crystal Lacquer, Terri Sproul's Mixers,
scissors, tape, paint brush, diecut letters and flame in black, matching
paper and photos [I matted mine with black cardstock]

I tested the colors I wanted to make "flames"...Terri Sproul's
Mixers are perfect for creating the illusion of fire!
start with a base coat of Blue Pearl is an interference
color so it looks white in the jar but paints on Blue on Black Paper
I painted the letters while they were still barely attached to the
page out of which they were cut. 
In the test flame I painted the bronze and red satin separately. Here I mixed
the two to get an orangish color which I liked much better and used to paint
the letters and flames with on their 2nd coat.
flame with it's coat of orange.
I next painted with gold dust and gold.  The flames
really started to come to life! I love this look too.
The letters with their treatment of Gold Dust and gold 
The final touches included some Shimmer Pearl highlighting the flame!
I really love the Shimmer Pearl on the letters!
Here is the title for the page and the finished flames. These
"hot" embellishments are now ready to be placed on their layout!

These embellishments are perfect to tell the story about how "on FIRE" Will was at his 1st 4H Shooting Sports Competition--he placed 1st over all the junior shooters! I love how Terri Sproul's Mixers help me convey the story of that day! Thank you for looking!

I have posted a challenge over on my blog--leslierahye--to join me in scrapbooking this year. I plan to have 4 layouts (at least) a month done this year and this is my layout #3. Feel free to join my challenge and get some pages done!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The World Belongs to YOU-Scrapbook Page by Becky Conley

I am loving the new Mica Powders! SO GORGEOUS!! You'll all be able to see them up close in a few weeks at the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) Show in Anaheim, CA Jan 29 - Feb 1.

Black Pearl 3d Crystal Lacquer
3d Color Crystal Lacquer -Black, Violet
Blue Pearl 3d Crystal Lacquer
3d Crystal Lacquer -Clear
Terri Sproul Mixers: Jewel Effects - Gold, Lilac Pearl

This butterfly embellishment is gorgeous! I created it with black card stock. I mixed 3d Color Crystal Lacquer -Black with Lilac Pearl Mica Powder and brushed in onto the bottom layer. The top layer has 3d Crystal Lacquer -Clear mixed with Gold Mica Powder. Details were added to the wings with Ice Blue Pearl 3d Crystal Lacquer and 3d Color Crystal Lacquer -Violet. I also used a line of 3d Color Crystal Lacquer -Violet behind the top wings to keep them dimensional. The body was done with Black Pearl 3d Crystal Lacquer. The spots of color in the Star background cut out were made with 3d Color Crystal Lacquer -Violet and Ice Blue Pearl 3d Crystal Lacquer.

Thank you for stopping by the Sakura Hobby Crafts Blog, become a follower and you'll receive notices for each post full of inspiration and project ideas!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Time to Scrapbook with SAKURA ®

Sakura ® Scrapbooking time.


Sakura crystal laquer

Sakura 3D crystal Lacquer pen metallic & pearl color pack

Special Effect Papercraft Papaya Iridecent

Iridecent glitter

Nikki Burnette's Stickers from

Pumkins photo stickers

Antique pattern sissors

2 of you favorite photos

EK Success Moon & Stars border puncher

With the patterns sissors cut your favorite sticker out.

Use the clear SAKURA® cover the entire image .
I did this with the pumpkins stikers also.

Sprinkle the clear irridecent glitter over the wet SAKURA®
I also cover the pumkins with glitter but I used orange iridecent.
The trick to enhance the stickers are use more glitter on the shadows of the
images. By doing this it will give a nicer effect on the 3D of the image.
I leave to dry overnight.

Put some double side tape behind each photo to mount them on the paper. I choose bright pink to enhance Nikki Burnette stickers.

I use the same pink to mount the Nikki Burnette's sticker.

Use your favorite puncher or EK Success Moon & Stars border puncher to puch a border on a 3 inches strip papaya iridescent paper. Place your Nikki Burnette's stickers on the buttom left corner to enhance your

SAKURA ® Crystal acquer pearl pens Green and Bronze to write your tittle
on your page I choose to use the name of the subject of the photo. I use the green to enhance the pumkins stems and the tittle. I left these to dry overnight.

The most important part of my pages are always the journaling. This will tell your story to the viewer and will tight the whole page togueter.

I choose the sticker and create the color scheme from it. All these simple elements togueter make a great page to treasure