A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To our troops, past and present...

In this day and age, all the attention and adulation seems to be on celebrities - sports figures, entertainers, heiresses - and we seem to either forget or malign those whose sacrifices have actually made a difference...

The men and women of our Armed Forces.

So, to my late grandfather, a Marine who served in WWII....

To my father-in-law, who did two tours in Vietnam...and to his brothers, who also served....

To my son-in-law, an Army reservist who got back from Iraq earlier this year...

And to all the men and women who have ever served, giving up their plans, time with family, their health, and sometimes even their lives...

Even though these words are woefully inadequate:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To our troops on Veterans Day...

In this day and age, all the attention and adulation seems to be on celebrities - sports figures, entertainers, heiresses - and we seem to either forget or malign those whose sacrifices have actually made a difference...

The men and women of our Armed Forces.

So, to my late grandfather, a Marine who served in WWII....

To my father-in-law, who did two tours in Vietnam...and to his brothers, who also served.

To my future son-in-law, currently serving in the Middle East....

And to all the men and women who have ever served, giving up their plans, time with family, their health, and sometimes even their lives...


Monday, November 12, 2007

Pondering Logistics....

Support roles are what I do best....

Which soldier type are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Engineer

Military Engineer. Your job is usually overlooked, but without you nothing gets done. While you sometimes get annoyed at this, and and you know the only time people come to you is when there's something wrong: You understand that you are the heart and soul of any organization with honesty and nice work ethic to boot. Hard working, intelligent, "I need more Duct Tape!!!"







Support Gunner


Combat Infantry/Armor


Special Ops






(Thanks, D, for the tip about the quiz!)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veteran's Day

In this day and age, all the attention and adulation seems to be on celebrities - sports figures, entertainers, heiresses - and we seem to either forget or malign those whose sacrifices have actually made a difference...

The men and women of our Armed Forces.

So, to my late grandfather, a Marine who served in WWII....

To my father-in-law, who did two tours in Vietnam...and to his brothers, who also served.

To D, my grandson's daddy, due to deploy to the Middle East in a couple of months...

And to all the men and women who have ever served, giving up their plans, time with family, their health, and sometimes even their lives...