A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday miscellany - 22Aug16

Remember before God
and those who fell at Bosworth Field,
having kept faith,
22 August 1485

loyaulte me lie...
DH was able to attend Richard III's reinterment last March, and that is one of his most treasured experiences.

What I've been reading... I'm on page 202/560 of Promise of Blood, the first book in Brian McClellan's Powder Mage trilogy. Several friends recommended the books to me, and so far I have been enjoying it quite a bit.

What I've been crafting... I had a relaxing weekend, and was able to put several hours into Ink Circles "Tapestry". I estimate I'm at 20% complete.

Fumbling toward fitness... I made it to Curves three times last week, and did 218 minutes for 11.28 miles. That's about where I want to be, so hopefully I can maintain that pace.

One Little Victory Having a relatively quiet and relaxing weekend provided some much-needed decompression.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

"I'm Hen-e-ry the 8th I am, I am..."


Catarina was Henry's first wife and was probably the only one of his six wives to truly love him. He tired of her, and she spent the last decade of her life in lonely exile. Yet when she was dying, alone and unloved, she wrote: "Lastly, I make this vow, that mine eyes desire thee above all things. Farewell."

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?

this quiz was made by Lori Fury

I've gotten Katherine of Aragon on two different quizzes of this type (the other is here). Not sure about the 'hopeless romantic' aspect though, though I did once press a rose in a physics book. Does that count?

(FWIW, I retook both quizzes with my least-fit answer and came up Anne Boleyn both times...)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

In memoriam

Remember before God
Richard III, King of England
and those who fell at Bosworth Field
having kept faith
22 August 1485
Loyaulte me lie

Tor Rhuann Designs 'Ricardus'
Yesterday I had the idea for this little tribute design with Richard III's emblem and motto. I'm not quite finished stitching it yet (still doing backstitching) but today is the appropriate release day so I've posted a mockup that should be replaced within the next 24 hours with the real model. In the meantime, the pattern for "Ricardus" is available here

Update 23 Aug, 11:42pm: Real model finished, scanned and uploaded with 3 minutes to spare in that 24 hours!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Remember before God
King of England
and those who fell
at Bosworth Field
having kept faith.
22 August 1485.
Loyaulte me lie
Richard III memorial, St. James Church, Sutton Cheney, Leicestershire, UK

Addendum 12:05EDT: Wikipedia article on the Battle of Bosworth Field

Monday, August 22, 2005

In Memoriam...

Remember before God
and those who fell at Bosworth Field,
having kept faith,
22 August 1485

loyaulte me lie...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

In memoriam

Remember before God
and those who fell at Bosworth Field,
having kept faith,
22 August 1485

loyaulte me lie...

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Things that make you go "D'oh!"

About four years ago, DH, DD, our friend M, and I went to the UK for the millenium (hey, we figured it was our one chance to get stranded on the other side of the ocean if the Y2K bug kept planes from flying). On the way from London to York, we made a detour to Fotheringhay to try to see what might be left of the castle, and if we were lucky, to see the resting place of DD's namesake. Well, all that's left of the castle is a large rock with a plaque. It was still a rather nice location, despite the wind and rain we were experiencing at the time, but I admit I was a little disappointed about not finding a tomb. DD was 7 months old at the time, so she didn't really have an opinion on the matter.

Fast forward to last night. In browsing, I discovered that the resting place of several of the Yorks, including the one I sought, was in the church at Fotheringhay. A currently still active church. We'd driven by this church, and I even have a picture of the church from where the castle once stood. I was that close, and didn't know it.

Our friend M told me this morning that at the time we were there the church was under renovation and wasn't open for visitors, so I feel slightly less frustrated.

But next time we're in the UK, I want to go to Fotheringhay again. I also want to visit Middleham, but that's a story for another day.