A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.
Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts

Monday, October 01, 2007

Seasons in the Sun(shine state)

One downside of living in Florida is that time passes almost without notice, since the usual seasonal cues aren't there. We've also had a very mild hurricane season so far this year - hopefully it will stay that way!

It's October already, and I missing Autumn as usual. I did discover Yankee Candles thanks to a coworker, and their Autumn Wreath scent is very nice. As another coworker put it "It smells like not being in Florida this time of year". I have an open one on my desk at work (unlit, but I still get a mild scent).

But being the first of the month, it's time for monthly goals!
Goals for September:

    Carryovers: None!
  • Label past blog entries I've labeled many, but not all
  • Get to 150 hours on TW Fortunate Traveler (101List #44) Done! (167 hours as of 9/30)
  • Start wedding present for SIL Started!

Great progress on the stitching front! I finished the center panel on Fortunate Traveler, actually:
Fortunate Traveler at 166 hours
(Click for larger picture)

Looking ahead to the coming month:
Goals for October:

  • Finish labelling past blog entries
  • Finish wedding present for SIL
  • Crochet 5 squares for 63-Squares afghan (101List #59)

I'm not revealing what my SIL's gift is just yet, as she sometimes reads my blog and I don't want to spoil the surprise. All will be revealed in the fullness of time...

Edit 3Oct07 20:05 - My apologies if you attempted to read this post earlier and saw a missing picture - my hosting site was having difficulties.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I miss Autumn

Once the Autumn wind,
Cool, crisp, exhilarating
Played with my hair,
Scattered the rainbow
Of fallen leaves on the ground.

Once the smell of wood,
Burning in hearths,
or the scent of fresh-raked earth,
tickled my nose,
let me dream of autumn nights.

Once the cold majestic beauty
of ice, of snow
frosted the trees,
and blanketed the earth in shimmering white.

But here are no seasons,
only the heat and stifling air
and i long to go back to the wind.