A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Happy (belated again) New Year 2025!

Another belated Happy New Year! Once again, I was on travel over the holidays, this time for a lovely Mississippi River cruise starting and ending in New Orleans. Fortunately I was not in the Big Easy for the tragic event at the turn of the year. I have no words there....
I should, however, have words about my annual goals, and so off we go!
    Progress bar goals
  • Read 20,000 pages - Between books and audiobooks, I read nearly 39,000 pages last year. That was 72 books. Well, more than that considering some of them were omnibus editions like Sabaa Tahir's Ember quartet and Susan Cooper's _Dark is Rising_ series. Books ranged from Emily Wilson's translations of the _Iliad_ and _Odyssey_ to Dennis E. Taylor's Bobiverse series. In any case, I'd call it a resounding success
  • Lose 25 pounds - Let's just call it for what it is, an Abject failure

  • Other goals
  • Finish one large needlework project - I finished three! Liz Almond's _Save the Stitches_, and two Chatelaines: _Poison Garden_ and _Universe Mandala_, so success.
  • Finish one medium or small needlework project - I finished Just Nan's _Christmas Jewel_ in January, for a small success.
  • Inventory my crafting supplies - Some attempts at organization, but no inventory yet.
  • Complete one yarncrafting project - I completed two: Scheepjes "Book Lovers Wrap" (knit) and Mark Roseboom's "Code of the Rainbow" (crochet). Certainly a success.

  • Habits
  • Drink at least 1.5 litre of water a day - I've been hit or miss with this.
  • Continue Duolingo and Lumosity daily exercises - My Duolingo streak has stayed active, but I've missed the occasional day on Lumosity. I need to get that streak going again.
  • Do some form of exercise daily - As of this typing, my daily exercise streak is now at 829.
  • Make sure the dishes are done daily - i've been doing pretty well with this also.
So...obviously there are areas I'm doing well on, and some not so much.
Also not sure why my javascript on the sidebar has stopped working, possibly something on the backend.

Anyway, on to 2025 goals...
    Progress bar goals
  • Read 25,000 pages - Since I blew away last year's goal now that I'm counting audiobooks as well, I'll increase this from 20,000 to 25,000. I'd like to listen to or read all of Agatha Christie's works this year, which should account for a lot of this.
  • Lose 25 pounds - With each year, this gets more important, so I really need to buckle down this year.

  • Other goals
  • Finish two needlework projects, at least one medium or larger - I don't know that I have any active project that I would consider "large", but I do have several medium ones.
  • Inventory my crafting supplies - I need to inventory what I have, and possibly cull a bit, and didn't do that this past year. Or the year before...
  • Complete one yarncrafting project - Either crochet or knit. This is a good recurring goal, in much the way the reading goal is, and I just started a brioche knit scarf.

  • Habits
  • Drink at least 1.5 litre of water a day - Maybe I should start a streak for this too.
  • Continue Duolingo and Lumosity daily exercises
  • Do some form of exercise daily
  • Make sure the dishes are done daily
Here's to a successful 2025!

1 comment:

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