
Showing posts with label Arwen McCullen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arwen McCullen. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sorry it's been awhile!!! Pocket Letters

Wow, it's been way too long since I've updated my blog. So sorry.... I've had so much on my plate lately and just haven't had enough time in the day. 
If you haven't already seen the new release from Stampotique and taken a trip on the blog hop, you have to check it out HERE!
There are some fabulous new stamps and a new designer too!
We have a fun ATC swap going on too at the Facebook page
If you can I would encourage you to join us.

I wanted to show you a pocket letter that I created for a swap with one of the Stampotique design team members.
I love pocket pages but haven't made one just yet. I really don't have a clue what I'm doing haha!
Funny thing is, I ended up making two of the pocket letters haha!
I used loads of new stampotique stamps and also some older ones.

Stampotique stamps I used are:

Medium Bee with Tiny bee - By Jo Capper-Sandon
Bella and Lola by new designer - Tracy Scott
Small Homes Quote - By Janet Klein
Kassa's Bloom - By Karen Hayselden
Phrase Cube and Lightening Bug - By Terri Richardson
Beach Huts - By Kate Crane
Flower CubeAnimal Cube and Agatha Flower - By Magda Polokow
Take your Time - By Daniel Torrente
Whisker Monster - By Kira Nichols
Paisley Background - By Arwen McCullen

Whew!! That's a lot of stamps!!! These pocket letters were a lot of fun to put together and I hope my partner likes them :)
Thanks for stopping by and Have a wonderful day!!!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Stampotique and Alice in Wonderland Mash Up

Hello and welcome back to the blog. I'm so excited for this post because it's kind of a tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time "Alice in Wonderland". The new movie "Through the Looking Glass" is coming out today and in honor of the release all of us Stampotique designers decided to do a special project. You can check them all out at the Stampotique Designer's Challenge Blog.

For my project I made some Alice In Wonderland playing cards, only two so far but it's a work in progress haha!

I used Stampotique Stamps:
Playing Card Front - By Arwen McCullen
Moth Fab - By Daniel Torrente
Mad Hatter - By Janet Klein 

If you have an Alice project you'd like to share, come on over to our Facebook page and share it with us :)
I'm off to see the movie, Cheers! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Stampotique Challenge 242 - Masculine

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog. Today begins a new challenge over at Stampotique...
The challenge this week is hosted by the wonderful Corrie and her challenge to us was "Masculine", here is what Corrie says about this challenge:
"I really struggle with cards for men. So this week I would like to see what you make when you need a masculine card."

So let's see your masculine cards this week!!

I too struggle sometimes with Masculine cards, this is what I came up with

I used Stampotique stamps:
Playing Card and Card Corners - By Arwen McCullen
Christmas Cube - By Daniel Torrent
Vintage Bill , French Journal Page - By France Papillon

I think it came out pretty cool, I hope you got some inspiration today. 
We hope you will come on over to the Stampotique Challenge Blog and join us this week.
For more inspiration see us on

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Stampotique Challenge 239 Nature

Hi everyone,  thanks for stopping by again and welcome to another weekly challenge at Stampotique
This week Arwen is our hostess and her challenge for us is "Nature"
Here is what Arwen says about this challenge:

"Create a project with only nature items in it, no humans or animals"

Well this one should be easy because I just love nature and everything it brings. 
I decided to do a journal page this week and used one particular stamp that I just love
Sunflower Large - By Janet Klein 
I also decided not to go with my usual bright colors and went with more of a nature inspired color pallet 

I hope you like my project and that you will come by Stampotique this week and join us for this fun challenge.

For more inspiration see us on

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Stampotique Challenge 225 - Alphabets

Good morning everyone, I hope your having a wonderful week. It's time for another new challenge over at Stampotique Designer's Challenge Blog. This week I am hosting and my challenge to you is "Alphabets" 
Use your alphabet or image stamps to create a letter

I decided to do a journal page for this challenge and here is what I came up with this week

I used Stampotique Stamps:

Never-ending Wall, small - By Arwen McCullen which I used to create my letter "A"
Twinkie - By Daniel Torrente

I sure hope you will come by the Stampotique Designer's Challenge Blog and join us this week. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Stampotique Challenge - Early Halloween

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog, today is Wednesday and that means another challenge at Stampotique's Designer's Challenge Blog

This week Carol is our hostess and she is challenging us to an Early Halloween, this is what Carol says about this fun challenge

" I just love Halloween so any excuses to do a make a month early is OK in my book"

So let's see your best Halloween projects this week.

I made an art journal page, my background was done with acrylic paint, simply rubbed on with my finger.... the Trick or Treat words and fence are a Tim Holtz die

I used Stampotique Stamps:

Majestic Tree - By Roc Nicholas
Skull Moon - By Arwen McCullen
Lovelyarethesound and Halloween Cube2 by Daniel Torrente

So come on by the Blog and join us in this Halloween challenge

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stampotique Challenge 210 - Anything Goes

Welcome back to the blog today, it's Wednesday and you know what that means... we have a new Challenge over at "Stampotique Designer's Blog"

Our hostess is Kim and she is giving us an Anything Goes Challenge. 
Create using freedom this week

Also,  if you haven't already done the New Release Blog Hop, you can start 
There are some wonderful prizes and great inspiration for the design team with the newest stamps.

My creation this week is a Birthday Card using some of the new stamps and some older stamps.

Stampotique Stamps I used are:

Lucilla - By Artist Arwen McCullen
Cup of Fun Certainty and Lovely Wings - by Artist Daniel Torrente

I made this background using my gel plate, I thought it was perfect for this card. I just love Arwen's new Lucilla stamp, she is so fun! 

Come over to the Designer's Challenge Blog and join us this week for this fun and easy challenge. You could win a 30.00 gift certificate to the online store.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Stampotique's 200th Challenge!!! Come Join Us This Week!!

Hello all and welcome back to the blog. Today is Wednesday and that means another challenge over at Stampotique's Designers Challenge Blog

We don't have a hostess this week but we are CELEBRATING our 200th Challenge!!!
Here is what Stampotique says about this challenge.
Join us for our 200th challenge this week by celebrating. Create with celebration, anniversary or best wishes creation. We thank you all for joining us each week at our challenges and hope you have a much fun creating with Stampotique as we do!

I decided to make a fun card for this occasion
For this card I used stamps:
Santa Baby - By artist Jill Penney and Daniel Torrente
Happy, Happy, Happy - By Daniel Torrente
Happy Head Appliances - by Danile Torrente
Philip - By Artist Magda Polokow
4 Dwarfy Gnomes - By Artist Kira Nichols

I sure hope you will come and join us over at 
 Stampotique's Designers Challenge Blog for this week's challenge, you could win a 30.00 gift certificate to the online store
As a bonus - be sure to check out Arwen McCullen's Blog for a chance to win one of her beautiful stamps

Friday, February 20, 2015

Stampotique New Release and Blog Hop!!!

We are so excited about the new release for Stampotique Originals!!! We've been keeping it under wraps for weeks now, but know that some of you got a sneak at one of our new stamp artists. 
Stampotique is thrilled to add to the line-up the designs of one of our former team members and popular mixed media artist, Kate Crane 
(is that squealing we hear amongst you?). We know you all won't be disappointed with the line-up of stamps from all our artists this go around. 
This is a huge release, there are 50+ new ones being released this time around, so plenty for everyone to choose from (or choose them all).

Hop along with the design team and 2 special guest bloggers leaving comments along the way. We will choose 3 random winners from 3 selected blogs along the way to win some goodies.
We will choose our winners with our next challenge on February 25th.

So for my creations today, I was so excited to use the new stamps that I couldn't stop creating. I love them all. 

My first creation is a coaster, I have been making a set of coasters for my house and what better time to do one than with the new release stamps.
I used new release stamps:
Welcome to My Reality - By Artist Arwen McCullen
Design Cube 2 - by Artist France Papillon (cracked background)
Dog Cube - By Artist Daniel Torrente

I also used stamps
Lovelyarethesound - By Daniel Torrente
Halloween Cube 2 - By Daniel Torrente

Next I did a journal page with Kate and Roc's new stamps
For this page I used:
Capture the Magic - By Artist Roc Nicholas
Sing With Words on the Side - By Artist Kate Crane

Next I created a Altered Playing Card
I used stamps:
Skull Balloons - Arwen McCullen
Hat Cube - Daniel Torrente
I also used stamp
Mervynboy - By Daniel Torrente
(how cute is the hat and balloons?)

and one more journal page
I used new stamps:
Design Cube 2 - France Papillon
Roc's Tree - Roc Nicholas
Boots - Kate Crane

From here you should be headed to Kim Howard's blog, be sure to leave comments on all the blogs for a chance to win. Here is a list of the entire hop...

Claudine Criner  YOUR ARE HERE!!

Hope you enjoy all the design team creations, 
we can't wait to hear what your favorite new stamps are!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Stampotique Challenge - Punny or Funny

Happy Wednesday everyone! I'm thrilled to be back for another Stampotique Designer's Challenge
This week's challenge is hosted by the wonderful Kathi Rerek
Her challenge to us is "Punny and/or Funny"
Here is what Kathi says:

"e.e. cummings said, "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." Puns and word play always make me smile. Really good puns make me laugh. Create a project that makes YOU smile, then share it with us! As always, have fun with this challenge!"

I'm not so good with Puns but I can do funny haha! 
Over at the Stampotique Originals Facebook Group we do a monthly ATC swap and this months theme is Nursery Rhymes.
I decided to go funny with this
here is my ATC

I used Stampotique Stamp

Skull Moon - By Artist Arwen McCullen

I just drew the cow's tail myself and printed out the sentiment on the computer
Hope you like my ATC, I made two of these to be exchanged with two different people in the swap. I hope they get my sense of humor haha!
Have a great day! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stampotique - Anything Goes Week 3

Good morning everyone, only one more week and a day before Christmas. Can you believe how time just flies by?
This is the 3rd week of the "Anything Goes" challenge over at the Stampotique Designer's Challenge Blog and Stampotique is giving away a 30.00 gift card to one lucky winner. 

Last week for my post I gave you a recap of some of the things I have created for the Stampotique Design team this year and I wanted to do that again this week. I can't tell you how much fun I have had on this team and how I am looking forward to many more creations with their wonderful stamps!

For my first creation, I posted this postcard a few weeks ago. It was for the announcement of the Roc Nicholas Design team, Roc and Stampotique go hand and hand because Roc's stamps are sold by Stampotique.

On this tag I used stamps:

All Roc Nicholas' Stamps

Next up I have a Halloween card I created with some of the new release stamps. We also had a new stamp designer join the Stampotique team.  Her name is Arwen McCullen and she rocks! 
In this Card I used her new Skull Moon stamp and also 
Connie Shows Off Her Nails by Daniel Torrente

The next creation is a journal page I did awhile back for a quote challenge. I used my all time favorite stamp and my 1st ever Stampotique Stamp
Prom Queen - By Daniel Torrente

And last but not least, This was so fun to make and it was one of my favorite creations this passed year. I used Stampotique stamps:
Scooter Girl - By Roc Nicholas
Daniel's Hearts - By Daniel Torrente
Cross Hatch Swirl - By Maryse Carrier

Thanks again for coming by the blog, this has been so fun to do these re-caps. Have a great day!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Stampotique Challenge - Anything Goes!!

Happy Wednesday ya'll, this marks the end of the year Challenge for Stampotique and the challenge for the entire month of December is "Anything Goes!" Hosted by the lovely 
Kim Howard

For this month only, you will have the opportunity to enter the 
challenge 5 times (one for each week)- 5 chances to win the
random $30 gift certificate for Stampotique stamps.

How cool is that? So get your crafty panties on because you can make anything you want and still join in the challenge!

For this first week I decided to make an ATC 
I used Stampotique Stamps:

Spider Girl - By Artists Jill Penney + Daniel Torrente
Arch - By Artist Arwen McCullen (used a small portion of this stamps)

Here is my ATC

I hope you will join us this month and enter for your chance to win!! 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Some Halloween Fun

Happy Halloween Everyone!! I hope that you are handing out some candy tonight OR going trick-or-treating with the little ones. 
Halloween is a fun holiday and it can be so much fun to dress up and just "not be yourself" for a day. haha!

For this post I thought I would share some Halloween Projects that I have created this season. Some of these I have shared previously but some you haven't seen before so this should be fun.

For starters I have to share my daughter's make-up that I helped her do. She wants to be a Zombie-ish Prom girl, our goal was to just make her scary looking. Here is the outcome of the make-up I did for her

Fun right?! We think she looks quite spooky

I made this altered jar for a really close friend of mine, I used a napkin that I found at JoAnns on clearance and mode podge for the lid, added some ribbon, a knob on top and some charms, oh and of course candy!! 

Next I made this fun candy box with Eileen Hull's new Vintage Kitchen Stove Die, this die will be available in mid November.
The candy inside makes it complete, don't you think?

Next I made some ATC's and cards for a Halloween themed swap on the Stampotique's group Facebook Page We always have a monthly ATC swap and it has been so great to participate and get ATCs from around the world
Here are the two I created for my partners
All of these fun stamps can be found at Stampotique Originals

The following are some ATCs I got in return, the first one was made by Magda Polakow, Magda is one of the Stampotique Stamp designer's too. She made this really cute little ATC sleeve too

The Second ATC was from Helen Cooke, She sent a little card along with hers

The next Halloween creations were from the Altered Playing Card Challenge, the theme a few weeks ago was Halloween and I made these spooky Altered playing cards 

My next project was for Linda Ledbetter's Compendium of Curiosities 3 Challenge, The theme that week was "Effects Powders" and I decided to make a postcard for that one, I loved using the powders on my spider and graves! 

For my last project, Stampotique had a new stamp release in September and I wanted to created something Halloween themed with some of the new stamps, I made this Halloween Card using Stampotique's new stamps Skull Moon By New Artist Arwen McCullen
and Connie Shows Off Her Nails by artist Daniel Torrente

Thanks for coming by the blog on this Halloween Day, I hope you have a wonderful, spooky fun Halloween. Don't eat too much candy!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Getting in The Halloween Spirit with Stampotique

Good fall morning to ya! It's getting really chilly here in Colorado and it feel like fall is starting to settle in. I'm so excited for Halloween and I'm equally as excited because Stampotique has released their new stamps!! WOOHOO

If you haven't already seen the new stamps, check them out HERE

We have a new designer Arwen McCullen and her stamps are spooky fun!! 
There are also so many fun and exciting new stamps from current designers.

I got a chance to play with some the other day and I decided to make a Halloween Card because I'm in the Halloween spirit.

I used the new release stamps:

Skull Moon - By Arwen McCullen (this stamp comes in two sizes and this is the larger)

Connie Shows Off Her Nails - By Daniel Torrente

I made Connie into a witch by adding a hat 

The background of this card was just a collage of different halloween paper and wash tapes
I also used some stencils in the background

This was a super fun card to make, I love the outcome and I can't wait to play with more of the new release stamps

Make sure to check out our Designer's Challenge and join in the fun. The theme is Masculine and you could win a gift card to the Stampotique online store and buy some new releases. :)
Have a great day!!