
Showing posts with label Alice in wonderland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alice in wonderland. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2016

Stampotique and Alice in Wonderland Mash Up

Hello and welcome back to the blog. I'm so excited for this post because it's kind of a tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time "Alice in Wonderland". The new movie "Through the Looking Glass" is coming out today and in honor of the release all of us Stampotique designers decided to do a special project. You can check them all out at the Stampotique Designer's Challenge Blog.

For my project I made some Alice In Wonderland playing cards, only two so far but it's a work in progress haha!

I used Stampotique Stamps:
Playing Card Front - By Arwen McCullen
Moth Fab - By Daniel Torrente
Mad Hatter - By Janet Klein 

If you have an Alice project you'd like to share, come on over to our Facebook page and share it with us :)
I'm off to see the movie, Cheers!