Post your September reads in the Mister Linky below using the following format:
Your name: Trish (Tess of the D'Urbervilles)
Your URL:
If you don't have a blog, simply fill out the name portion with the title of the book you read leaving the URL field blank.
Happy reading!
Yeah, sorry about my backlog, somehow I forgot to post half my links!! I've FINISHED IT, though, and am QUITE pleased with the experience. Thanks for challenging me, friend :)
Two down, (Voss and Robbery Under Arms)but four more to go by the end of October? I might have been a bit ambitious choosing 6 and aiming to read The Twyburn Affair, The Man Who Loved Children; Power Without Glory and My Crowded Solitude because they're all fairly weighty. Ah well, we shall see!
As part of my challenge to read the Modern Library's Boards' List Top 100 books, I've already got one down in September: "The Magnificent Ambersons" by Booth Tarnkington. I am midway through "The Ginger Man" by JP Donleavy. Check out my site for reviews/updates. :)
Three down for my all-Austalian classic challenge, (Voss, Robbery Under Arms and My Crowded Solitude)but three more by the end of October is looking unlikely. The remaining three are all long books, but I do have school holidays so maybe I can do four of the six I was hoping to do. I haven't decided which one out of The Twyburn Affair, The Man Who Loved Children; and Power Without Glory - but I'd better start soon!
Lisa Hill
Just finished "the Postman Always Rings Twice". Not a bad read if you are into crime and who-dun-it novels. Plus it's a quick read too. Now I just have to rent the movie!
Yikes. I can't believe it's September already and I've only now done my second book. Better get cracking!
Well, I've finished one more: that's four done (a Classics Snack) for my all-Austalian classic challenge, (Voss, Robbery Under Arms, My Crowded Solitude and The Twyborn Affair) and now have 5 weeks left to have a go at the remaining two. To give myself a chance I'm going to choose two new - and shorter ones - from the TBR: Inland by Gerald Murnane and Bush Studies by Barbara Baynton, both from the Australian Classics Library, published by the University of Sydney.
Lisa Hill
ANZ LitLovers
Well, that's another one! Five done now (a Classics Entree) for my all-Austalian classic challenge, (Voss, Robbery Under Arms, My Crowded Solitude, The Twyborn Affair and Bush Studies). That leaves 4 weeks left to have a go at the remaining one: Inland by Gerald Murnane from the Australian Classics Library, published by the University of Sydney.
Lisa Hill
ANZ LitLovers
I'm finished! I've read six (a Classics Feast) for my all-Austalian classic challenge: Voss, Robbery Under Arms, My Crowded Solitude, The Twyborn Affair, Bush Studies and most challenging of all, Inland by Gerald Murnane from the Australian Classics Library, published by the University of Sydney. My reviews for all these Aussie and other classics are at - click classics in the category lsit to find them.)
Thank you for organising this challenge - I'll be back next year!
Lisa Hill
ANZ LitLovers
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