Welcome to the Classics Challenge
April 1 - October 31, 2009

Classics: We love them, we hate them, now we are going to challenge ourselves to read more of them.
**Choose Your Level (Keep reading for Bonus)1. Classics Snack - Read FOUR classics
2. Classics Entree - Read FIVE classics
3. Classics Feast - Read SIX classics
**Rules/Guidelines1. Cross-posting with other challenges is allowed (and encouraged!)
2. Audiobooks are fine
3. Re-reads are acceptable, BUT books must be finished
after April 1st to count for the challenge
4. Lists don't have to be set in stone; you can change your selections at any time.
5. Have Fun!!
6. You do NOT need a blog to participate.
**Bonus!! (Optional)Last year we compiled a list of books that we think might be considered classics one day. I've wiped out that old list so we can start fresh, but to get an idea of what others suggested last year, see
HERE. To start off the list, I'm going to suggest
Atonement by Ian McEwan.
Leave your suggestions in the comments below. If you want to participate in the bonus round, choose a book from the list and read that
in addition to the classics you have picked (e.g., if you are doing the classics snack, you will read
five books total and so on).
I realize this means you may have to wait to make your list or leave the bonus book as "tentative" if you choose to participate in the bonus round, but I'm hoping this is a modern twist on the old classics challenge.
What is a Classic?Am I going to define what a classic is? Nope! There are lots of definitions offered on the Internet, but we all have different opinions so don't stress too much. But, people are always asking me where to start with classics. In the comments below, I'd love if you would give a recommendation for a classic you would suggest to beginners or apprehensive readers--maybe something lighter or something engaging. I'll compile a list. I'm going to suggest
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Emmuska Orczy.
Trish, you write a lot! Just tell me what I need to do!
1. Sign up below using Mr. Linky. Preferably link to your list for the challenge, but I'm not going to make you. :P If you don't have a blog, just enter your name.
2. Give a suggestion for a "future" classic in the comments below
3. Recommended a classic for "beginners" in the comments below
4. Let me know if you have any questions
5. Get reading those dang classics!!
Also - I'd love to know how you heard about the challenge.