Showing posts with label Style 158. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style 158. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Style 158

This dress was inspired by the unfinished 1962 film “Something’s Got to Give” starring Marilyn Monroe.


 Make sure to follow the instructions on the pattern when cutting out the dress front and right skirt drape.

Dress front and lining darts

Back darts

Back lining darts

Stitch the left side seam.

Press the seam open.

Stitch the right skirt drape to the lining stopping at the marking.  Trim the seam allowance.

Turn the right skirt drape right side out and press.

Stitch the dress front and left back to the lining at the bottom.

Trim the seam allowance, clip the curves and press the seam open.  Turn the dress right side out and press the hem flat.

Stitch the right back pieces to the right skirt drape to the markings.  Press the seams open.

Stitch the bottom of the right back and skirt drape to the marking.  Trim the seam allowance and press it open.

Turn the right back right side out and press flat.

Pin the right skirt drape to the right side of the dress at the markings.  Baste the drape at the side seam between the markings only.  Make sure to keep the lining free of the seam.

Stitch the right back to the dress.

Repeat for the lining.

Turn the dress inside out and stitch the lining to the top of the dress.  Under-stitch the lining.

Hand stitch the lining to the back opening.  Sew snaps to the back opening.  Sew ribbon straps to the dress to fit the doll.

Put the dress on the doll and make a couple of tucks on the right skirt drape.  Pin the drape to the other side of the dress.

Sew the knot.

Tie a knot.

Tack the knot on top of the drape tucks.