Showing posts with label Style 154. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style 154. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Style 154

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Purse A

Zigzag the ends of the purse and Fray-Check the ends of the ribbon.

Mark the centers and ribbon placement lines.

Press the tops of the purse.

Stitch the ribbon to the bottom of the purse.

Fold the purse in half and pin the plastic rings in place.

Lay the purse flat, there should be a little ease in the ribbon.

Stitch the hems and ribbon at the same time.

Mark the side seam stitching lines.

Trim the seam allowance and zigzag the seams.

Turn the purse right side out.

Purse B

Mark and punch out the holes for the brads.


Attach decorations if desired.

Side seams

Bottom corners

Attach the brads to the bottom of the purse and stuff the purse with fiberfill.
Tuck in the top sides of the purse and tack.
Finish the purse with jump rings, a strap or chain, and close the purse with a crimp end or bead.

Or fold the ends of the purse down and tack them in place.

Purse C

Fuse interfacing to the wrong side of the purse.

Mark the first stitching line.

Use your sewing machine's pressure foot as a guide to stitch the quilting lines.

Cut 3/8" off the tops of the purse and cover the tops with a strip of folded contrasting Ultra-Suede.

Stitch the side seams.

Stitch the bottom corners.

Turn the purse right side out, and stuff it with a little fiberfill.

Mark the center of the purse and sew on the jump rings.

 A crimp cover

Stitch the strap.

Trim the strap and attach the end caps.

Finish the purse.

Purse D


Mark the centers


Top stitch the strap.

Trim the strap.

Mark the strap placement.

Stitch the strap to the purse.

Top stitch the diamond to the bottom of the purse.

Hem the tops of the purse and mark the buckle placement.

Stitch the buckle to the purse.

Stitch the side seams, trim the corners, and turn the purse right side out.
Stitch beads and jump rings to the top of the purse and insert the strap through the buckle.


Trim the handle and attach end caps.  Attach the handle to the purse at the jump rings.

Purse E

Top stitch straps.

Trim straps.

Mark and punch out the holes for the brads.

Mark the centers.

Top stitch the tab.

Trim the tab.

Stitch the straps to the bottom of the purse and stitch the tab to one of the tops of the purse.

Hem the tops.

Side seams

Stitch the bottom corners.

Trim the seam allowances.

Attach the brads to the bottom of the purse.

Beads and jump rings

Stitch the beads to the purse.


Trim the handles and attach the end caps.

Attach the handles to the jump rings.
Sew a bead to the center front of the purse and cut a slit in the tab for the bead.

Purse F

This is the most challenging purse to make.

Interfacing, tab slits, and holes for brads.

Purse center A and B pieces

Hem purse center B's.
Mark the ends.

Top stitch purse center A's on top if purse center B's.  
Leave a small gap for the "zipper".

Measurement of finished purse center 

Stitch the purse to the center.

Glue the middy braid to the center of the "zipper".


Tab cutting lines

Tabs and jump rings

Insert tabs through the inside of the purse.

Attach the jump rings to the tabs.  Glue the tabs together and down.

Stuff the purse and glue the "zipper" to the bag opening.


Attach the handles to the jump rings.

Sew a "zipper" pull onto the purse.

Hat 1

I made my hat block using a yogurt container.

and a racket ball

 Mark a hole in the center of the yogurt lid

 And cut it out.

 Stuff the container full of washcloths to support the ball.

 Place the ball on top of the washcloths.

 and place the lid on top of the ball.

Cover the top of the ball with double sided tape.

I purchase my hat straw from here and here.

Cut a 1 1/2" of straw and Fray Check the ends.  Place it on top of the ball.

 Prepare your hat straw by pulling on the thread on one side of the straw to get it to curve.

Place pins about 1/4" in on each end of the strip.  Glue the sides and wrap the curved straw around the pins.

 Glue about 3-4 rows of straw.

 Cut the end and Fray Check it.  When the Fray Check is dry, glue the end to the hat.

Make a bow out of the straw and stitch it to the side of the hat.

Hat 2

Using the same hat block, make a round hat out of the straw.