Showing posts with label Style 122. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style 122. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2013

Style 122

This suit was inspired by a 1951 Balenciaga design.
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View A
The side fronts are stitched to the center fronts, and the side backs are stitched to center back.
 Shoulder seams and collar

Jacket lining

Stiff tulle gives the sleeve ruffles body.

 Fold sleeve ruffle in half.

Ease stitch the tops of the sleeves and gather stitch the sleeve ruffles.

 Sleeves and ruffles stitched to the jacket.
 Jacket lining stitched to the jacket.



Use pinking sheers to remove the fullness in the seam allowance (optional) 

Press peplum seams open.

Press side seams open.

Hand stitch the sleeve lining to the sleeve ruffle.

I can't even say what these look like.

Hand stitch the ends of the sleeve ruffle together.

Hand stitch the lining to the suit.


Darts and side seams

Cut off bottom of skirt lining.

 Under stitch the lining.





 View B 

 Cut 1/4" off the bottom of the sleeve lining.


Stitch lining to the jacket


 Mark the beret opening

 Hem the beret opening and stitch the hat pieces together.

Use pinking sheers to reduce the bulk in the seam allowance.