Showing posts with label Style 107. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style 107. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Style 107

This stylish suit was inspired by the 1954 classic "Rear Window" staring Grace Kelly. Pattern includes instructions for the suit, halter blouse, hat, and belt.

Rear Window 13

Rear Window 23

I realized too late that I forgot to take pictures of this outfit while I was making it.  I hope the pictures that are here of the almost-complete outfit will help somehow.  Click on the photo for a better view.

This is not the green suit of course, but it show how the sleeves and side seams are all sewn at the same time.  Pressing the seams open is very important.



Inside of the jacket, the fronts and back are silk dupioni, and the sleeves are lining fabric.  This saves money and keeps the sleeves from being too stiff.



A close-up of the “pocket”.  Make sure that you don’t accidently catch the lining while sewing it on.



I cut about 1” off the bottom of this jacket and made the “pockets” horizontal for a different look.

White Silk Suit 3


The back seam of the skirt and lining are sewn in one long seam.  The skirt is turned right-side-out through the back opening.



Back of skirt.  Note how the skirt is a little longer than the lining.  That is achieved by cutting the lining shorter.  I only cut 1/4” off the lining on this skirt.  I have since changed that to 3/8” to 1/2”.



Skirt Front



The two halter top pieces are stitched together at the bottom and the seam is pressed open.



Halter top turned right-side out before pleats.  For Gene, fit the top to fit the doll so that it can be worn under the skirt.    Otherwise the skirt will be too big.  For the Tonner dolls, fit the top so it can be worn over the skirt.



Finished halter-top



Flip the back of the strap to get this look.



Halter- top out of silky fabric

White Silk Suit 6


Top of Hat


Bottom of Hat



How I paint and dry the buckles