There are some people who come into your lives unexpectedly and change you forever. Laura is one such amazing person. I met her while she was on maternity leave 3 years ago and she accepted me for who I was then and she accepts me for who I am now. She didn't give much thought to what others in the neighbourhood had to say about me and she invited me into her home and we shared life stories, laughed and yes cried. She threw me a life preserver when I needed it most. Her son has grown into an amazing articulate little boy and her husband was oh so tolerant of all our late night marathon chats. I could think of no other person more deserving of this quilt that was designed by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville. Thanks Laura, I hope we can stay in touch!

Look at the amzing fabric I found for the pillow slip.

Pillow slip and quilt together.
Happiness is a warm quilt on a cold day.