I would like to start this posting with a huge Thank You and HUG to all who blessed me with warm thoughts, words and prayers for without them I would not have made it through the past 6 days.
The surgery went well but the hospital stay was criminally harmful and negligent. I will go no further than to say that it is going to take a while to heal from the emotional damage and scarring, but I am strong and I will get better.
I am home know and I think today I feel like I may just be able to pick up my shuttles and do a little tatting which I am sure will speed up my recovery. I am looking forward to healing and living with I hope what will be less pain.
May the thread flow gently from your shuttles and needles as you watch the sunset on a day that when you really and honestly look at it was a pretty good day. ( At least that is my wish for you.)

This is a picture of tropical flowers that Laura, Tattycat, sent me to cheer me up and it worked. I think they are wonderful and they remind me of my trips to Hawaii.