Showing posts with label Sogyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sogyo. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Inspiration

"Careful! Even moonlit dewdrops,
If you're lured to watch,
Are a wall before the truth."
_____ Sogyo

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tatting, Robbery and Inspiration

I am so glad I have tatting in my life. I have been so busy with physio and dealing with the robbery, that with the few spare moments I have I've been tatting and it is wonderful how it takes me away from all stress and makes me focus on how I can make nice things to give to others and put a smile on there face. Here is a picture of my progress with the doily I am working on.

A word of advice, Don't get Robbed. I just cannot believe how much work is involved after it has happened to file reports, get quotes, try and find receipts and then deal with the feelings of shock, violation, anger and loss of security. There is also the major inconvenience of not being able to use our back door so you have to go around the house to do anything in the backyard.

Our new door is on order because it is a weird size it has to be custom made. I sure hope it gets here fast.On to better things here is your inspiration for today.

"Careful! Even moonlight dewdrops, if you're lured to watch, are a wall before the truth"
_____ Sogyo