Showing posts with label Blooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blooms. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

All the Blooms

Hi Everyone.
The weather here is beautiful right now with daily high's around 25C and lows of 18C so very comfortable the only downside is that we are in dry season so we have not had a drop of rain since late December but this is the season when a lot of tree's and plants come into bloom so I thought I would share some pictures with you. 

This is our very large Pear Cactus.

This is a Yucca that is in bloom. 

These are our coffee plants that where in bloom for 2 days.

The following pictures are of the blooms and fruit of our very large Malay Apple tree. You have to stand under the tree to see them well because they bloom along the branches and the leaves cover most of the blooms. The fruit is tasty and sweet but a soft texture. The neat thing right now is that the area under the tree is bright pink with all the fallen blooms.

My next posting will be of my Tatting progress on a very large doily I am presently tatting and maybe some of my Origami. Happy Tatting everyone.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Assorted Blooms and Boquete

Hi Everyone. It has been a couple of very busy weeks with everything up in the air about where we are going to live. We asked the owner of the house if they would renew the lease on the house and at first they said no but then changed their minds so we took the opportunity to look for a house in Boquete, Panama. We were looking at this area because it is at a higher elevation than here so it would be cooler as this has been the hottest wet season and the temperature here is about 10 degrees more than it should. We did not find a place but the area is absolutely the nicest place you can imagine. It is surrounded by mountains and lush vegetation and coffee plantations with rivers and numerous waterfalls. We are going to move there as soon as we can.

I thought I would show you some of the blooms that we have encountered in our travels. Hope you like them.
