This blog has a little bit of everything and I would like to start of with my health. I am feeling better with each passing day and physio is going well. I am feeling so well that I am able to enjoy tatting again which brings me joy. I have a older student who comes to the house regularly and she is so eager to learn tatting that teaching her is a feel good moment. The last time she was here she brought a pattern for a doily that she thought she could do but it is a bit advanced for her so I am going to surprise her. I am making the doily for her because I know how much she will appreciate a piece of tatting. This is what it looks like so far.
Last but not least here is our thought for the day.
"We too should make ourselves empty, that the great soul of the universe may fill us with it's breath."
_____ Lawrence Binyon
I am recovering from my surgery and doing a bit better each day. I am finally getting over my wound infection and my aggressive physio therapy is paying off. I am so happy to be putting this behind me. For the next little while the pictures on this blog will be of the gardens of the City of Brantford where my partner Gregg is a horticulturalist. I hope you enjoy them. Any questions just make a comment and ask and I will answer as soon as possible.
"If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer."
_____ David Deida
"Here-and-now contains eternity."
_____ Taisen Deshimary

Almost Ready.