Today we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in Canada. For me it is an opportunity to give thanks for the good and bad in my life that make it what it is. It may sound a bit crazy for being thankful for the bad, but I survived it, I have made peace with it as best as I can at this time and because I lived through it I have been blessed with a super caring and understanding personality. I have the gift of being able to help others through horrible things because I have been there. I have moved past the role of victim and now help those who are victimized.
So today I am thank full for the person I have become. A father with 2 great children. A listener for those who need one, a helper for those I can help. A person to turn to when life gets you down. A smile to help change that frown.
I would like to thank all my tatter friends who inspire me to be a better tatter. Thank you for your patterns, techniques, ideas and compliments. I count you among my best friends.