She didn't win the "Britain has talent" contest, but awed fans world-wide with her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream". The You Tube broadcast received 300 million hits by year end and her Christmas CD release set record sales. Susan Boyle and Captain "Sully" Sullenberger won our hearts.
With both engines out, a cool headed pilot maneuvered his crowded jet-liner over New York City and ditched it into the frigid Hudson River and all 155 on board were pulled to safety as the plane slowly sank. It was, the governor said, "a miracle on the Hudson". January 2009
Charcoal & Chalk Sketch of Sully from an image by Ingrid Taylor.
Charcoal Sketch of Boyle from her CD "I Dreamed a Dream".
Digital Tags & Swirls ("Sassy" by Rhonna Farrer)
Digital Paper & Stamp (Vintage "La Davina")