Loving Life in 2012. Can you tell, I have not posted since it began! I have been trying to stay on track with all my goals starting with deep cleaning my studio space to reorganize a mess that has been building for years. It has been a real chore, but I must say I highly recommend digging in to those out of control spaces. I feel renewed and inspired. I will post some after shots when the project is complete...maybe in a month or so {I told you it was a real mess}.
I took a photography class...yes something else I have wanted to do for some time now.
Getting into the LOVE of my new found energy, photographic knowledge, etc.. Pictures of hearts found around the house.
Photography was one of my favorite classes in high school and college, of course we worked with something called film. I miss the days of playing in the dark room watching that magic happen when the picture would emerge on your paper when you dipped it in those great smelling chemicals!!! Are any of you with me on that???
Since digital came out, I have only used a point and shoot camera on automatic. I have been very happy with the quality of pictures my little camera gives me, but have wanted to mess with my settings again and have a little more say in the way my pictures turned out. You know like an artist!!!
I have been debating Nikon or Canon for years and doing research and more research and then not taking the next step. Then for Christmas my dear husband surprised me with a new Canon SLR camera {made the decision for me}.
I needed a photography class to get reaquainted with the art of photography and the mechanics of my new toy. My good friend Jeannie emailed me and asked if I wanted to join her for a workshop with Nancy Merkling {nancymerkling.com/} a very talented photographer and teacher. Her studio is in an industrial space that is a photographers utopia. We spent most of the class learning about our cameras, which was much needed and then had some time to take some pictures using our new found knowledge!!!
Look at this place, inspiration everywhere!
Hope this finds you doing what you love in this new year!