I have been enjoying music for many years by a local duo Peter & Harry here in town. Earlier this year I found out that Harry's daughter made it through the first round of American Idol in Milwaukee (that's Harry picking up Haley at the end of the audition video). I started watching when she did her great audition. Making it to Hollywood is no small task, after attending Idols auditions in Chicago the previous year with Drama Darling, I was blown away by how many talented singers were there and the small amount that actually made it through! That was just round one then you have to go through about three more rounds at least to get seen by Randy, Jennifer & Steven!
Well not only did she make it to Hollywood, but HALEY is one of two girls left in the competition!!! If you are reading this and watch tonight, all I can say is...

Here is a duet she did last week with Casey (another great Idol hopeful)! So Good...
Drama Darling came with us a few weeks ago to see Peter & Harry perform and they called her up and let her sing "Let it Be" with Haley's dad, Harry. A thrill for her!!!
Look at this great picture I got of the experience, lol. Can I say that phone cameras in dim lit places are NO good!

Hope you watch and VOTE tonight and help her go all the way ((:
You can vote on
American Idol.com up to 50 times (just sayin)
Thanks for listening...xxoo