Not too long ago, I drove by one of my old homes where I grew up only to find it was totally torn down and rebuilt. The only familiar thing was the yard and the foundation. It was shocking and heartbreaking. This particular home is one we lived in when I was 6 till about the time I was 10 and then we moved to the home my parents still live in, which by far is what I consider home. They better never move, I love going HOME!!!
I LOVE this song by Miranda Lambert, it brings this girl to tears when I listen to it, not only because of my roots, but even more the ones that my daughters are building growing up in our home and neighborhood. Now that the girls are getting closer to leaving the nest, I think about all the memories they will cherish of their home and family.
posing in their rooms for self portraits...
Christmas at home...
Christmas at grandma & grandpa's...
I am taking the girls to Ames, IA and Iowa State, my Alma Mater next week for a college visit and I know that will be such a sweet walk down memory lane. I have so many good memories there! Can't wait to go back and see the campus and my many homes there. Dorm (which I know has been taken down :( ), Sorority and our off campus apartment. I hope they get a glimpse into a bit of my life that was so special to me. Then I hope they choose to go there!!!!! A mom can dream, right?!
I hope you take a minute to listen to Miranda's song and relive all those good or bad memories, that built you into the fabulous person that you are today.
because, when things get wicked, there's no place like home~