Showing posts with label Wiper card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wiper card. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2011

Challenge "Are you ready to Rock"

                                         My first Wiper Card!!:)

The challenge this time is "Are you ready to rock"!  You can make any project as long as it is Rock related!!!

Hi My Friendly Bloggers!
This week I went to Erika's blog Crafty Sprouts and noticed that she has started to do challenge's and seen she had made a wiper card and thought it was so cool!
So I decided to try it and enter the challenge. The theme is perfect because my daughter had asked me to do a Rocker Girl on her birthday cake so I wanted to make a card to match her cake. She is turning 13 on Sept 8th so my card is a little early, she is so happy to say she is a teenager!Myself I'm not so happy about it!Attitude and Boys OH NO !!!

To make a wiper card
  you need Two 4 1/4" x 8 1/2" pieces of cardstock, for your base

One 1 1/2" x 3" piece of cardstock, for your "wiper"
Make a mark with a pencil at 1 1/2" on the long side. Score diagonally from the top right hand corner down to the pencil mark on the left.I put a stich line to show where to score.

Score your 4 1/4" x 8 1/2" piece of cardstock at 1 1/2" and 3". Repeat on your second piece
Prefold all scored lines.The score line next to the large panel should fold down. Repeat for your second cardstock piece.

Take one of your card base pieces and lay it down with the score lines to the right. This will be your card front. Adhere your strip, image facing down, between the two score lines.
Add adhesive to the edges of both 4 1/4" sides of the cardstock piece.
Place your second 4 1/4" x 8 1/2" piece of cardstock over your card front. Make sure the score lines are on the left.

Turn your card around
You have just created a wiper card ready to decorate.Hope this was helpful and you enjoy your wiper card!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog
Hope you play along at Whimsical Wednesday this week :)
"Inspiring Words"
 "Three Times A Charm"
Just a little note,I will be gone all next week on a holiday with my family.