Showing posts with label Knits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knits. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crochet Coasters

Last week I shared this card that I painted for my sweet friend, Amy's birthday. I also made her these coasters. 

There are a lot of crochet coaster patterns online, and while I did a lot of searching, I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, so I improvised.

Simple rounds of single crochet are the base of my coasters, topped with two rounds of top stitching inspired by this pattern, and wool stars inspired by these coasters.

You might have already guessed it, but with the top stitching and wool stars, these coasters make a slightly wobbly surface for narrow based glasses. They are, however, perfect for wider based vessels, such as coffee mugs.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hand Warmers

The hand warmers that I mentioned in this post are finally complete. Just in time for spring. Yes, my timing on these could have been a little better. At least they're ready for the fall, and honestly, it's still pretty cold here, so I may get some use out of them yet this season.

I used this pattern from the Purl Bee, with Knit Picks Comfy fingering weight yarn in White, Whisker, Sea Foam and Semolina. The fit is a little loose, but they are super comfy and not at all cumbersome. I can actually draw while wearing them.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life right now.

Elijah had another belt test.

He is now a green belt in Tang Soo Do KyoHoe Kwan. Don't let the photo fool you. He really is happy. He just has his serious testing face on.

There's his happy, silly face. He's happy because now that he's a green belt, he can spar. I, on the other hand, have mixed emotions about this achievement. I'm so very proud of him, and yet, the sparring makes this mom a bit nervous.

We finally got Elijah's belt rack (a Christmas gift) up on his wall. We'll need to purchase another one before long.

I started knitting this cardigan using this yummy yarn - a Christmas gift from my best friend.

Sometimes while I knit, I get to listen to Miss M practice. She is so talented. Maybe someday she can teach me to play. 

We celebrated the kids recent academic achievements with root beer floats. So yummy. They tasted like summer.

These two are so over snow. I don't blame them. It's been a long winter...and it's still going. Snow is falling right now actually. Sigh. Here's hoping spring comes soon.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Two cowls and one very bright yellow hat.

I'll start with the bright yellow hat. This winter I decided that I wanted to make a yellow hat. Why yellow? Definitely not so my husband can find me when we're shopping at Costco, although that's why he likes this hat. Michigan winters seriously lack sunshine, and I'll take any yellow (substitute sunshine) I can get. Uh, well, except for yellow snow. That's so not a good yellow. I found the free hat pattern at Purl Avenue. It's a very simple pattern and knits up really quick. I made my brim much wider than the pattern calls for and folded it over...because I'm a wide brim kinda gal. I used Knit Pick's Shine Worsted in Dandelion and Robot. I found that going a size smaller with the needles worked best for me. I have a pretty small head. The scarf pictured above is one I made a few years ago and have since lost the pattern source. It's just simple double crochet in whatever yarn and colors make you happy.

This is another really simple pattern, although not free. It's the Lace Infinity Scarf by Industrial Whimsy. I used Knit Pick's Swish Worsted in Serrano. I knit this wider around than the pattern calls for so the drape would be longer when doubled around my neck. I should have made note of my number of stitches cast on because I can't remember now. The wool yarn makes this scarf really warm, which has been needed this winter.

This pattern was a little more work, but totally worth it! It's the Lace Circle Scarf from NeekaKnits.
I used Knit Pick's CotLin DK in Canary. Yes, more yellow. I'm so ready for warmer weather. And hey, since I knit this up using cotton/linen yarn, I can wear it in the warmer months too. As with the red scarf, I knit this one wider around for longer drape.

Happy knitting!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Life right now.

Cupcake liners are awesome! They have so many uses. The best of course is to hold a cupcake, but this may be a close second. I used a flattened cupcake liner as a canvas for this color wheel. 

I made my own art journal! At first I thought, what's the point? I mean, I can just buy a spiral bound mixed media pad and call it good. I'm so glad I didn't, because it turns out, I like making art journals! It was fun. I used three different surfaces of watercolor paper for variety, and splurged on actual bookbinding thread and tape. I learned (from someone else - thanks for the tip Julia) that if you don't use the right type of thread, it can snap on you once you start using your journal. That would not be cool. By the way, that cupcake liner color wheel is for the first page of this art journal.

The art journal is for the lessons in this book. I took one of Pam's online portrait classes a couple years ago and loved it so much! I'm excited to learn more from her via this book. Some of the techniques I haven't used since high school, like block printing. How fun is that going to be?!

Another afghan. I can't seem to help myself. I get one finished and want to start another. This one is kind of sentimental as it's a similar pattern as the one my grandmother used. I remember her always crocheting zigzag afghans. I have a red and white one she made me when I was in high school. It's one of my prized possessions. I miss her. 

It feels so good to be exercising again. It will feel even better when those extra holiday pounds are gone.

My latest selection from the library. I devoured this. It was so good. Totally not what I expected.  

Loving this little cart from Ikea, or "art cart" as I've affectionately named it. It's so nice to just wheel my supplies wherever I happen to be making art.

Another fiber project in the works. Hand warmers. Pattern is from the Purl Bee. Yarn is Knit Pick's Comfy Fingering in White, Whisker, Sea Foam and Semolina. These are pretty thin, just enough warmth for fall or in the house during the winter on super cold days.

Three snow days. Thirteen inches (at least) of snow. Negative wind chills in the twenties. I kind of wish those hand warmers were finished. This has already been quite the winter. Honestly though, after last year's mild winter, I'm totally okay with it, says the girl who doesn't do any of the shoveling.

Toasted rice tortilla topped with homemade hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onion, basil and sea salt. After all the rich holiday food I'm craving lighter fare. I've had this everyday for a week now I think. Yum.

How is your 2014 going so far?

Monday, November 04, 2013

Greenery Beret

My first beret, and I kind of love it. This is the same pattern that Moya knit from Weekend Hats.

I used Knit Picks CotLin DK yarn in Sprout. I'm thinking this hat and scarf combo will be fun with my red coat in December.

I love the stitch pattern in this hat, which looks super complicated, but really isn't. It was a fun, quick knit, and at just $9 for the yarn, awesome fashion on the cheap!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Crocheting Triangles: Mission complete.

My mission, given by Elijah, was to make him an afghan. After eight months of crocheting triangles and sewing them together, I have finally completed Elijah's afghan. He is one happy boy, which makes my heart so very happy. I love that my kids love handmade stuff. Stuff handmade by their mama. That makes me happy too.  

I made it quite large. He can actually use it on his twin size bed if he wants. I was going to make it smaller, but he was concerned that he might be really tall when he grows up, and it would be too small then. So cute.

I kind of like it on our couch, but I was a good mom and let Elijah take it up to his room. You'll find yarn and pattern information in this previous post.

Monday, August 19, 2013

This girl can knit!

Moya has been knitting a lot this summer. Last year I went through my yarn stash, and gave her a big plastic tub full. She has been putting it to good use. I love that!

Look at that stitch pattern! She did such a lovely job and figured it all out on her own. 

She learned to use circular and double pointed needles pretty much on her own too. She borrowed my book, The Knitter's Companion, and that's all she needed. I was so proud and impressed. She really loves knitting hats because they are quick projects. I'm sure she'll be wearing these a lot this fall and winter.

p.s. Hat patterns are from the book, Weekend Hats.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Crocheting Hexagons: Finally Finished

After ten months of working on this afghan I am finally finished! I love how it turned out and am looking forward to curling up under it with a good book and cup of tea this fall.

p.s. For pattern and yarn information, see this post.
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