Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Life right now.

Cupcake liners are awesome! They have so many uses. The best of course is to hold a cupcake, but this may be a close second. I used a flattened cupcake liner as a canvas for this color wheel. 

I made my own art journal! At first I thought, what's the point? I mean, I can just buy a spiral bound mixed media pad and call it good. I'm so glad I didn't, because it turns out, I like making art journals! It was fun. I used three different surfaces of watercolor paper for variety, and splurged on actual bookbinding thread and tape. I learned (from someone else - thanks for the tip Julia) that if you don't use the right type of thread, it can snap on you once you start using your journal. That would not be cool. By the way, that cupcake liner color wheel is for the first page of this art journal.

The art journal is for the lessons in this book. I took one of Pam's online portrait classes a couple years ago and loved it so much! I'm excited to learn more from her via this book. Some of the techniques I haven't used since high school, like block printing. How fun is that going to be?!

Another afghan. I can't seem to help myself. I get one finished and want to start another. This one is kind of sentimental as it's a similar pattern as the one my grandmother used. I remember her always crocheting zigzag afghans. I have a red and white one she made me when I was in high school. It's one of my prized possessions. I miss her. 

It feels so good to be exercising again. It will feel even better when those extra holiday pounds are gone.

My latest selection from the library. I devoured this. It was so good. Totally not what I expected.  

Loving this little cart from Ikea, or "art cart" as I've affectionately named it. It's so nice to just wheel my supplies wherever I happen to be making art.

Another fiber project in the works. Hand warmers. Pattern is from the Purl Bee. Yarn is Knit Pick's Comfy Fingering in White, Whisker, Sea Foam and Semolina. These are pretty thin, just enough warmth for fall or in the house during the winter on super cold days.

Three snow days. Thirteen inches (at least) of snow. Negative wind chills in the twenties. I kind of wish those hand warmers were finished. This has already been quite the winter. Honestly though, after last year's mild winter, I'm totally okay with it, says the girl who doesn't do any of the shoveling.

Toasted rice tortilla topped with homemade hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onion, basil and sea salt. After all the rich holiday food I'm craving lighter fare. I've had this everyday for a week now I think. Yum.

How is your 2014 going so far?

Monday, October 28, 2013


Recently...this girl had a birthday. Her fourteenth. I can hardly believe it. My beautiful baby girl has grown into a beautiful young woman.

Recently...this little critter visited our back door. He's kind of pretty and creepy all at the same time. I'm not sure what type of insect he is. Do any of you know?

Recently...I made garlic hummus, and boy was it garlicy! I've been using packaged minced garlic and just switched back to raw garlic and mincing it myself. I was a little off on how much garlic to put in. The packaged stuff is apparently less potent. It was still yummy though and I love to eat it this way layered with tomato and cucumber slices. Makes for a healthy and delicious snack, appetizer, or light lunch.

Recently...I picked the last of our tomatoes and pretty close to the last of our peppers.

Recently...I was greeted by this gorgeous fall sunrise. I love fall skies. So beautiful.

Recently...Elijah bought a skateboard. His review of this sport, "It's a lot harder than it looks." So true Elijah, so true.

Recently...I started my Christmas gift knitting. I'm making good progress. I think I started early enough that I'll get everything finished on time.

Recently...we saw Disney on Ice and it was pretty cool.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Backyard Garden: The first of our cherry tomatoes.

Okay, these are by far the best cherry tomatoes I have ever eaten.

I hope this plant keeps producing lots of tomatoes the whole growing season.

This is what I made with the tomatoes. A rice tortilla layered with homemade hummus, cucumber slices, cherry tomato slices, diced green onion, sea salt, and basil.

It was delicious.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Backyard Garden: Vine ripened.

We have a red tomato. I can hardly wait to taste it.

We had to stake our peppers. They are loaded with fruit.

We will be picking green beans very soon. I'm being careful not to let them grow too big. They are so much better when picked young.

Our harvest today. This is our first zucchini picking. Photos taken July 12th.

I used the peppers on our Friday night pizza and made this with the zucchini. Roasted vegetables.

Roasted Vegetables
serves 2

1 large baked potato, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
olive oil
sea salt

Place potato and onion in casserole dish, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake 40 minutes at 400 degrees. Stir after 20 minutes.

2 small zucchini, sliced
8 oz. mini Bella mushrooms, quartered
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
sea salt

Place zucchini and mushrooms in another casserole dish, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with sea salt. Add to oven after potatoes have baked for 20 minutes. Bake zucchini and mushrooms 15 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees.


p.s. The zucchini was awesome! I'm so glad I picked them young (about six inches in length). Yummy!

Monday, July 08, 2013


Recently...I made a gluten free, dairy free, egg free, chocolate cake from this cookbook, frosted with chocolate frosting from this cookbook. Believe it or not, it tasted so good. Elijah helped me "clean" the bowl because he's awesome like that.

Recently...Moya pulled out a basket making kit that she's had for over two years and well, she made a basket. It turned out beautifully.

Recently...we watched some stunt water skiing on Reeds Lake. We all agreed that the coolest stunts were those involving the ramp. Guys doing aerials on water skis? Definitely cool.

Recently...I made a very patriotic dessert. Strawberry shortcake with blueberries and coconut ice cream. This was our fourth of July treat. We all wanted more.

Recently...Allan and I checked out a really cool organic market and enjoyed some frozen Coconut Bliss bars in their outdoor cafe. Chocolate for Allan and strawberry for me. Allan also tried their coffee, which was yummy. We'll definitely be going back to this little market. It has an old mercantile feel and the staff are so friendly and knowledgeable and they have a great selection of organic foods.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Snack time.

Lately we've been making kale chips on a weekly basis as a morning or afternoon snack. I either purchase a bunch of large kale leaves or the plastic package of baby kale. I much prefer the latter. Not so much because of taste, but more because of ease in preparation - no bugs to pick off.

To make these yummy, nutrient packed chips, all you need is some olive oil, sea salt (other seasoning if desired) and kale. Put a couple large handfuls of kale into a bowl. Drizzle on some olive oil and toss to lightly coat all the leaves. Spread on parchment lined cookie sheets, sprinkle with salt and spices (we like garlic powder on ours) and bake for 10 - 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Check it after ten minutes and add additional time if needed. Just be sure to watch it closely as it goes from almost done to burnt pretty quickly.


Monday, June 17, 2013


Recently...I roasted chickpeas for the first time and they were awesome! To make mine I used a recipe from the Clean Food cookbook, but here's one online that you could try.

Recently...Allan ran another 25k. He was really hoping to run it under two hours, but he had some hip problems towards the end and came in at 2:04. I think that's an awesome time though, and I know he will hit his goal next race.

Recently...Elijah moved up to Gold Deputy status!

Recently...Moya went on her eighth grade field trip to Washington D.C. and Allan chaperoned. He also took a lot of photos. A lot.

Recently...this cute boy came home with a mustache, drawn on by his teacher for Field Day. His class took first place out of the fifth grade. I think the 'staches gave them an edge. Maybe an intimidation factor. Okay, maybe not.

Recently...this boy tried a fried egg for the first time and he cannot get enough! I still go "ewww" every time I see him eating one. I have never cared for them. It's the runny yolk. Just can't get past it, and of course that's the part Elijah likes best. Ewww.

Recently...we had an injured duck take refuge in our backyard, unfortunately, we scared her away trying to give her some water to drink. She had an injured leg. Poor thing.

Recently...a family of robins started visiting our backyard in search of worms. It's interesting watching the adults feed the babies who are pretty big and able to fly. I wonder at what age a robin starts to find it's own food.

Recently...we visited the zoo and Allan, Moya and Elijah tried out the high ropes course. I opted to sit on the bench and take photos. They all had a lot of fun, and actually, I had a lot of fun just watching them.

Recently...Moya had a piano recital. She rocked! She always does.

Recently...Moya had her eighth grade recognition ceremony. It's on to a brand new school in the fall. I still have not wrapped my brain around the fact that my baby girl with be in high school this September. little man turned eleven. He had a great time celebrating with family, friends and donuts. Lots of donuts.

p.s. This "Recently..." post actually spans an entire month. Things were pretty crazy the final month of school. We're settling into a nice summer routine now and I hope to post more regularly again, including more artwork.
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