On December 23, I was asked to move out of my roommates' (best friends of 20 years) house. Deadline of NOW. Nothing I did. Just what they needed while they go through their own personal issues. What that did was throw me and a handful of others into high alert to find a new living situation for me and my two cats. Miraculously, another friend graciously opened her home to us. "No big deal. I already have two little dogs and a bunny. My landlord likes animals," she told me with confidence. So we move into her home on December 26. Only to find out on December 30 that her landlord detests cats. Thus started another whirlwind to find another living situation. My now temporary solution is one foot in Indiana to keep the cats settled, and one foot in Louisville to keep my costs down. Crazy, yes. But it will work for now.
On December 23, my truck decided to spit up antifreeze into the cabin all over my windows. Heating core quit. It got put into the shop on December 27...after the first move-in. I got him out in time to move for the second time in two weeks.
On December 23, the man I had fallen in love with, told me he didn't love me like that. (No worries, no one but me knew about this...and good thing too).
On December 23, I started what was the worst period of all of 2013.
2013 did not finish smooth. And 2014 is off to a crazy start because of it. But there are things I firmly believe:
- Others are going through much worse stuff than me
- God still loves me no matter what is going on
- I am on the right path
- I am stronger than I think I am
- I am supported by friends who want to see me succeed
- I am successful in business
- I am not alone in business
- I am loved by the right people
- I have a purpose yet to be fulfilled
- I dream bigger than me
- I know what I know and will not falter from that
- I know what I don't know, and will seek out new knowledge to share with others
- I can only control my thoughts, emotions, and personal actions - no one else.
- I can do all things through Christ
- And plenty of other powerful statements that so many have inspired me to incorporate...