First up - My Last KFC Convention (little did I know it would be my least for awhile ;-) ). It was fantastic because I got to do SO much for it. I produced the best video that touched everyone's heart while still providing information (and a lot of that was bad due to declining sales). Plus, it was in Washington, D.C., a place I haven't been before. So I got to visit the Smithsonian and all those wonderful historical places. We drove by Congress and I exclaimed to the driver, "Hey, I just saw Jack Bauer there on TV!" He politely agreed with me. Did you know there was a museum under the Lincoln Memorial? That was a secret my driver told me.
Second, was getting a new pastor at GCC. At first I was ambivalent simply due to the ups & downs we've had there during my 11-year tenure. But I truly believe Michael is right where God wants him to be. Plus, I've gained a new brother and sister in the deal! Now I just wish I had a picture of him in that elf costume...
Then there was the Women of Faith Conference in Indy. That's always such a fantastic experience anyway, but this year I met Mary Graham, President of Women of Faith. The speakers were speaking straight to me that weekend, and I'll never forget it. Yep, that's SCC on the stage!
In November came the 175th Anniversary Concert for GCC. That was a really big deal for a lot of people in many different ways. I've been told it was like a weight was lifted that night. Plus, all that video work! And the second half of 80s focus - the clothes and hair! Man - that was a GREAT night! I just wish I had some pictures from it, I'm stealing this one from Rebecca.
And my #5: Singing with the Family Choir at Northside Christian. This is just a picture of the stage, but imagine the floor painted white and multiple Christmas trees in various heights scattered around. The choir was in the middle and band scattered in front. I love to sing and be on stage. I had given that up for awhile, but I still love it. And it was in front of thousands of people over the course of the weekend -AND-those big screens on the side? Yep, ended up on those too. It certainly helped that I had started working out!
Now, I'm tagging!
Mrs. 4444, OctaMom, Marsha's Musings,, and Denise, plus anyone else that wants to join in! Let me know so I can visit!
So why am I even writing this? I want to change my blog design again. Yeah, I know. However, I think this design just doesn't reflect "me" totally. But do you know how hard it is to fit strategic business with Wonder Woman with sewing & crochet and reading and writing and music and and and...all in one design! Good grief, I'm all over the place! I've been discovering a lot about me lately, and I apparently don't fit any rules. I don't have a specific focus, I am good at a lot of different things. That can be frustrating when trying to decide on a path of life to take when there's about 100 in front of you.
All I can do is keep moving forward. So, be on the lookout for one of my steps, blog redesign! No telling WHAT you'll see before I settle on something more permanent. Thanks for visiting!
Are you an untidy child in need of cleaning and love? I am.
Bergman plays the role of Gladys Aylward, a real person in history. She was someone that in Britain was rejected as a missionary, but went to China anyway. She teamed with another missionary in Yang Cheng that ran an inn for traveling merchants - hot meals and stories from the Bible. Gladys adopts children, assimilates herself into the culture and basically just loves the people...and they love her. During the Second Sino-Japanese war, she led 100 children over the mountains to freedom. She became known as "Ai-weh-deh", or "Virtuous One" in real life, but in the movie is was Gen-eye (that's how it sounded). And in the movie there is of course a love interest - Colonel Yin Nan.
This movie and story was really done well and I just loved it. But there's one line that stuck with me. When Colonel Yin is talking with the magistrate of the town, and admits he's in love with Gen-eye, he shows his admiration and respect of her in his description of her relationships with others. "She sees them all as untidy, unkempt children in need of a little cleaning and loving care."
How much better would life be if we all had that view of other people? Isn't that pretty much how God as Father sees us? In need of cleaning and love. Good thing Jesus can do that.
This quote sparked me. The past few days I have been in a real funk. Blame it on change of diet, hormones, loneliness, whatever, but it's been painful and mind-numbing. I have had to literally turn off my brain just to get some rest. And before this I had been contemplating doing an intensive study on who I really am - how God created me, what He created me to be and to do. I am praying that through this kind of study I will gain some revelation from God on what path to take in my life.
I know that the will of God encompasses a lot - like an umbrella - and within that I can make my own choices about my looks, career, education, men, etc. But one thing I have learned about myself is that I don't like to waste time going in the wrong direction in life, and I've been down a few wrong paths.
I started this study tonight based on the initial breakdown of who I really am: a creation of God, and a female. Then questions stem from there, and whaddya know, some answers are found in His Word. I've got a couple of books to help guide me to the appropriate passages (The Purpose Driven Life, and Captivating). Already, I can think a little again, and I remember my word for 2010: preparation.
If you'd like to join me in this, leave me a comment or send me your email, or shoot me a message on facebook. I'll post or send thoughts your way and I'd really like to hear all your thoughts on this as well - how it applies to you.
Let me leave you with these:
"For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him." (Colossians 1:16)
"In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." (Job 12:10)
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)
One Word...Preparation (and a creative tidbit!)
I loved that post and it got me to thinking and praying about my one word. I'm in such a desert place again in my life - nothing I did intentionally, but it sure feels like the desert again. But as I was showering and reflecting on my readings of late, I thought about all the stuff you have to do in the shower and how different it would have been for Esther (Hadassah) in the Bible. She was part of the captured girls in Persia to be prepared for one night with the King so he could pick a new queen. It took a year to prepare. A whole year for one night. And I thought taking an hour to prepare a meal that takes 10 minutes to eat was bad.
And then a word came to me - Preparation. I don't know for what, but I now feel like I'm being prepared for something, for that "such a time as this" kind of moment or season just as Esther was prepared. Who knows but God? So all I can do is focus on being the daughter of the Most High King to the best of what He's created me to be. I will focus on this word this year. So when I feel like I'm in the desert place, I know that I am to be preparing, learning, resting for something special. It'll be a great surprise I'm sure!
So what would your one word be for 2010?
When "preparing" for this posting, I thought about my recent sewing projects and all that went into them to "prepare" the material for sewing, and the final projects for revealing. I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of my word this year! For the secret to this picture, visit my Creative Side blog to see my first few sewing projects. And I'm sure Rebecca will be posting about it soon, too!
At each turn of the page this book set my heart on fire and led me to the words that give peace eternal. It seemed as if he was talking to me specifically with some of the concerns and the illustrations he gave I completely related to. Personally, I think this is Max Lucado’s best book yet. And I was even more excited to discover the discussion guide in the back! Now my small group can cover these topics and be blessed by the truth and insight found in Lucado’s words. Thanks, Max!
For more information on Fearless, and to peruse through sample chapters, visit Thomas Nelson Publishers' Fearless Resource Link.
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} I've already slept-in with a headache this morning. But maybe, just maybe if I get up and try to get motivated the feeling to go back to a warm cozy bed would be conquered.
HAPPY 2010 Everyone!
May the Lord bless you and keep y ou. May the Lord show you his kindness and have mercy on you. May the Lord watch over you and give you peace.