Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 0 comments

Life is a *itch

As you can see, I've changed the look of the blog again. Just slightly though. And I've changed the title. I actually got inspired by Mama Kats' Wednesday writers challenge question: Tell us about your long have you been blogging, when did you start, what were/are your goals for your blog, etc.

I've been blogging for a couple of years now. The look has changed multiple times and so has my purpose for it. My initial blogline was "Life is a Daring Adventure, or Nothing..." based on the quote by Helen Keller. This amazing lady who was both blind and deaf has many insightful writings that give inspiration to many. I wanted to be able to show how life really can be a daring adventure. However, through my 2-year blogging journey, I have found there is so much more. So I've changed my blog title to "Life Is..."

Because life really is so many things, I thought about it while doing dishes at work (that's how glamorous my job is :-) ). The first thing that comes to mind is the saying I grew up with is "Life is a *itch, then you die." And you all know what that word is, don't even try to fool me! So I thought about it - what is a *itch?

The Webster's description is: 1: the female of the dog or some other carnivorous mammals, 2 a: a lewd or immoral woman b: a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman —sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse, 3: something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant, 4: complaint.

Then I thought about the Proverbs 31 woman. There's no mention of her being malicious, spiteful, or overbearing or difficult or unpleasant at all. In verse 25 it says: Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future. I want to smile at my future! Does she smile because she has not one hint of *itchness in her? Is my own *itchy-ness holding me back from being worth more than jewels to someone?

I think about that Proverbs 31 woman quite a bit. She's got a lofty standard for us to live up to as women. She's rumored to be Solomon's mother - you remember her? Bathsheba....David & Bathsheba! If it really was her...oh, the grace that abounds! God is amazing to have such an impact in a woman's (or man's) life and perspective. This Proverb was written ABOUT her ... I wonder what she actually thought of herself? Regardless, she is an example for all women to look to and ponder.
Friday, May 8, 2009 0 comments

Spines, Dr., & Country Music

Well, my spine is all good. No bad disks, no pinched nerve, just some pulled ligaments and muscles. And to heal-up it requires bed-rest - 2 weeks worth! Ugh. But at least it's not surgery.

But I just had to post a couple of thoughts I had this morning.

  1. 1. My x-ray was really cool! I have a healthy spine, which is really good news. The funny part was you could see the buttons and zipper from my pants as well as the metal hooks in my bra. I almost asked out loud "what are those loopy things up there?" Duh...
  2. The doctor's office was very basic in the classic dull gray color. The nurses were all nice, and country music filled the air. I guess to make up for the gray color. Bill was about to die from both. So then I get called back to see the Dr. He's Indian - from India - no real surprise there. However, what I found so funny? Let me just say.....Indian Doctor & Country Music......
