What have I missed? I honestly wouldn't know with all the medication I've taken over the past week! :-) !!!
I admit it, I'm at work today going through emails, sending out TV/Radio order forms, ordering supplies, updating my calendar, etc....and plowing my fields. What?, you may ask. Well, if you've not tried this facebook game yet - it's a lot of fun! FARM TOWN!
I don't play a whole lot of computer games, but if I do it's generally something where I can build/plan things or word games. And Farm Town is right up my alley. I hit level 16 today finally; planted me some cabbage! I've been without a computer for a week now and could have gotten a lot higher. But this little game is so cool! I added a buddy that I look to for ideas, "birdie." She's in the level 30s...with multiple barns, houses, ponds, and all kinds of animals. Here in the office there are 3 of us that play it - we're all neighbors of course. And some people from church are on it too. It's been funny in real life neighbor meetings!
Bill and I were at WalMart before I took my week-in-bed "rest" and met Amy McArthur, a fellow FarmTown neighbor. We starting talking about plowing, harvesting, best crop prices, livestock - you know, all things farming. Bill was confused at first until we clued him in. But he REALLY rolled his eyes when I saw another fellow "farmer" at church and we started talking about it too. I've felt like those real farmers in small towns that gather in the old storefronts or at the back of pickups to just talk and build friendships t

hat last. I wonder if these kinds of games are just the next generation of that? Although, nothing beats that face-to-face conversation over the tailgate of a pickup!
By the way, if you've never done it, plant your own garden for real! I won't have one this year simply because my mom has a gigantic garden plowed - about a half acre at least - filled with all kinds of goodies! But I have catnip in a container on the deck just for the fur babies in the house. Plus, the Peakes have a decent size garden going as well. So I will be guaranteed fresh tomatoes and other great veggies this summer.
And if planting your own is not idealic, but you still want FRESH produce - try a farmer's market. I know New Albany has one -
New Albany Farmer's Market. Not only do you save money, but it's the much better than what you get at a grocery.