Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Friday, May 6, 2011 0 comments

The Greenhouse Effect.

I've been helping out a friend in his greenhouse the past few weeks.  I'm basically working for flowers, who doesn't love that! 
Well, this week the weather has been pretty stable.  So what happens when the sun comes out?  The greenhouse temperature goes from 80 to 100 degrees in less than 5 minutes.  It's amazing.  I love it for the most part.  It's like going to a sauna without paying or taking your clothes off.  The downside...I can't take my clothes off!  

When I can go into it looking somewhat presentable, but come out looking like a mowed over weed - dirt and all, it makes me appreciate running water and hot showers all the more.  Yesterday the temp started out in the 50s, I wore three layers of clothing to stay warm.  But then the sun came out.  I did manage to shed two layers.  Not to mention nine pounds since I've been helping out (changing the diet and being more active makes all the difference!).

The blessing of working in the greenhouse is that I get to use the flowers as a fundraiser for my Romania mission trip this fall.  I am taking orders and once I have a load then a delivery date and place will be set-up.  I'm listing the prices and some pictures here and I have an album set-up on facebook. 

Hostas = $6 ea

Hanging Baskets = $15 ea (purple, pink, blue wave, yellow, red million bells, and mixed baskets)

Flats = $15 ea ($1.50 per 3-pack) (begonias, impatients, marigolds, periwinkle, rose moss, TOMATO, green peppers, sweet banana peppers)

 Planters = $15 ea (geraniums, black-eyed susans - yellow & orange)

Geranium (single) = $4

Zinnia (single) = $3

Perrenials = $5 ea
--Coreopsis (yellow, red, pink), Gallardia (red, red/yellow), Butterfly bush (blue, red), pincushion flower, lavendar, Rose Mallow (pink, red), spike speedwell, tritoma, bee balm, cleome (spider plant)
