Well, this week the weather has been pretty stable. So what happens when the sun comes out? The greenhouse temperature goes from 80 to 100 degrees in less than 5 minutes. It's amazing. I love it for the most part. It's like going to a sauna without paying or taking your clothes off. The downside...I can't take my clothes off!
The blessing of working in the greenhouse is that I get to use the flowers as a fundraiser for my Romania mission trip this fall. I am taking orders and once I have a load then a delivery date and place will be set-up. I'm listing the prices and some pictures here and I have an album set-up on facebook.
Hostas = $6 ea
Hanging Baskets = $15 ea (purple, pink, blue wave, yellow, red million bells, and mixed baskets)
Planters = $15 ea (geraniums, black-eyed susans - yellow & orange)
Geranium (single) = $4
Zinnia (single) = $3
--Coreopsis (yellow, red, pink), Gallardia (red, red/yellow), Butterfly bush (blue, red), pincushion flower, lavendar, Rose Mallow (pink, red), spike speedwell, tritoma, bee balm, cleome (spider plant)