Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Saturday, April 30, 2011 1 comments

Bark for Life!

I attended a very cool event today as the Premier Jewelry lady, Bark for Life! It's an American Cancer Relay for Life-type of event, only gone to the dogs.
This wasn't your ordinary walk for funds. There were vendors (me one of), the walking, speakers, rescue dog demonstration, and doggy contests: musical sit, favorite trick, and king & queen. Yes, king & queen! It was the coolest thing. I highly encourage you to participate if you are a dog lover. Bring your own or do like I'm going to do next time - borrow one!

And it was amazing how all these dogs came together and behaved so well! There were breeds of all kinds and sizes. Rescued dogs, carried dogs, cute-as-a-button dogs, all kinds! I'm including some pics here, but I will post the full album on facebook!

This is Diesel...I want one just like him!

Not sure this lady's name, she did win the Queen of the large dog category.  Must have been the pajamas that put her over the top.

First encounters

 The Collie is Merlin.  He won the musical sit AND King of the large dog category!

 This is Sandy and her owner Kelsey.  Kelsey rescued Sandy after seeing her being thrown from the 2nd Street Bridge.  Sandy happens to be part pit bull, but not once did she bear fangs today. Kelsey does animal rescue now. For more info: 

This is what I call the Pug Patrol.  Couldn't really get them all lined up at once.  There were about six there!

This little guy is up for adoption!  Contact!
Monday, July 20, 2009 1 comments


This morning was a peaceful, easy start to a beautiful day. I woke up to a bright, sun-shiny day. Little did I know there would be so many wonderous images to find!

See this little guy - the rabbit? Out my office window. When I sat down at the computer to do the deadline projects, he just nibbled at the grass then mosied across the road to a much larger field with better grass, I'm sure. He stopped to play with a red-winged blackbird on the way.

The time for some cleaning work. I needed to get my trash and a few other items to the dump. So I called my mom for a ride in exchange for garden labor. I felt like an avatar in FarmTown - I helped harvest some veggies. Of which, we ate a couple green tomatoes - fried, of course - and some corn-on-the-cob with cucumbers for lunch. Topped off with a peppermint patty for dessert.

It was good spending time with mom and catching up with all our personal drama and how the world should be ran conversations. She showed off her flower gardens and plans for the rest of the yard. She has stargazer lillies in the midst of other kinds and it brings such a fragrant blessing to the whole area.

And what would a visit to mom's be without loving on the "puppies!"

Katie, the black & tan, and Preacher followed us everywhere we went. Tammy, the 16-yr old (that would be 112 in dog years), decided she had better things to do and found a nice cool spot in the hostas. Actually, she has made a bed in the hostas - complete with a mound for a pillow.

Preacher is the one who LOVES fireworks. Katie is the guard dog pretty much. These dogs used to live a life chained to a dog box. That's the life of a coonhound - a hunter. But when mom & stepdad got a divorce, these three got a new life OFF the chain. They lay wherever they want - run whenever they want - eat whatever they want. They're spoiled rotten that's fo sure. They are not "inside" dogs, but they get to sleep in the garage whenever they want. Ahh, the life of a dog!

I've enjoyed my day off. I got a few things done around the house and now to play!
