This wasn't your ordinary walk for funds. There were vendors (me one of), the walking, speakers, rescue dog demonstration, and doggy contests: musical sit, favorite trick, and king & queen. Yes, king & queen! It was the coolest thing. I highly encourage you to participate if you are a dog lover. Bring your own or do like I'm going to do next time - borrow one!
And it was amazing how all these dogs came together and behaved so well! There were breeds of all kinds and sizes. Rescued dogs, carried dogs, cute-as-a-button dogs, all kinds! I'm including some pics here, but I will post the full album on facebook!
This is Diesel...I want one just like him!
Not sure this lady's name, she did win the Queen of the large dog category. Must have been the pajamas that put her over the top.
First encounters
The Collie is Merlin. He won the musical sit AND King of the large dog category!
This is Sandy and her owner Kelsey. Kelsey rescued Sandy after seeing her being thrown from the 2nd Street Bridge. Sandy happens to be part pit bull, but not once did she bear fangs today. Kelsey does animal rescue now. For more info:
This is what I call the Pug Patrol. Couldn't really get them all lined up at once. There were about six there!
This little guy is up for adoption! Contact!