Category: Jewelry
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Mother's Day Gift Idea

Monday, May 16, 2016 No comments
 I did not make this, but...I had the good sense to order it.  Years ago I saw these jewelry pieces in a magazine and I've been meaning to look into it.  FINALLY, this year I did it.
My grandmother passed away over 30 years ago, but I know that it has left a big hole in my Mom and my Aunt's heart.  She's in heaven.  We will see her again, but I love the idea of these charms.
I found my Mom's old wedding cards where my grandmother had signed her name.  I went on Etsy and found a ton of shops that make these pieces of jewelry in all shapes, sizes, and colors.  All I had to do was take a photo of what I wanted written and send the picture.  I just asked the gal to center love over mother.
I don't know how she did it, but she nailed that signature down to the m, o, t etc.  I'm added a little emerald stone to each of these (my grandmother's birth stone) that I bought on ebay, and I gave one to my Mom for Mother's Day, and another to my aunt for her birthday (right after Mother's Day). I could not be happier with these keepsakes, and I had to share.

Brooch Bouquet

Tuesday, July 07, 2015 1 comment
 I'm headed into GMT tomorrow.  I'll post the video here later.  I have a year long schedule, but this month I had a time sensitive project I've been working on that I offered to share, so...I bring to you-brooches!
I've seen these bouquets around for awhile and I absolutely love vintage brooches.  I've heard of people getting brooches at bridal showers they then turn into a bouquet, which is adorable, but....I only had a month to put this little gal together...and 3 and 1/2 weeks of that month I was out of town, so....I went shopping on Ebay.
 A few of the above brooches the bride's aunt bought (the two in the top left) at a discount dept store.  I found the rest for 1-3 dollars (free shipping).  They all came from China, so it took that month to arrive in the mail.  They sell some at the craft stores you can snag for about the same price, but they didn't have the same variety.
 I also bought some lace, tulle, and satin.
 I decided I wanted the the stem area to be a little thicker so it was easy to hold, and I found a foam form that would help the brooches stay in place.  I am sending this bouquet a few states away and I wanted to keep it secure
 I also found some little feathers and jeweled flowers in the wedding section to help fill in any gaps.
 I bought some 20 gage floral wire and I wrapped a piece on each side of the brooch.  If there weren't holes in the design, I used the pin on the back.
 I then twisted the two pieces of wire together so that I had a steady stem.
 Ta da.
 To also fill in some gaps I put some of the jewels onto fabric flowers.  I tucked them down into the bouquet, but this helped cover up the green foam and any gaps between jewels.
 I cut the lace into slices and I pinched five in the middle and sewed them together to form petals and then added the brooch in the middle.
 I cut the satin into messy circles (different sizes) and ran it along a flame so it curled up, and I added a brooch to the middle of these.
 I added wire to these flowers and I had a collection of 'just brooch' stems and some with fabric stems.
 I then just started pocking and pulling them down into the foam form.
 I wrapped the stems with floral tape and then covered it all with ribbon.

Mother's Day Necklace

Friday, May 01, 2015 No comments
I blogged about the easy process for putting these necklaces together last year.  I used definitions I had cut out of the dictionary.  Here is that tutorial.  Last year, my friend, Maurine, welcomed son #3 into her life.  I had previously bought these little initial charms for her first two little guys at a boutique near me.  She likes charms, I like these charms.  Win.  After Bennett joined the crew, I went and bought a B, and I made this little pendant using the word son to add to the charms.  Easy, and unique.  Win!  I also made one for MY Mom and got the initials for my brother and I.

Mardi Gras Bead Bracelet

Monday, February 16, 2015 No comments
 I'm taking 6 Mardi Gras themed crafts to Good Morning, Texas tomorrow.  The first three crafts were 'bead' related. Here's one idea for a festive bracelet/or...a way to recycle those beads.    I saw the idea  at peaches first.  It's so much easier than I even anticipated.  I got some beads, some of these bracelets from Hobby Lobby's jewelry making section (2 dollars for three at full price-I used a coupon).
 I glued the beads around the outside of the bracelet.  I then took some ribbon (a buck) and wrapped it between the spaces between each bead.
 I tied a bow with both of the dangling ends.
 I then added some gold beads to some wire (they also sell gold wire) and I wrapped the wire around the ribbon putting two or three beads on each time I wrapped it around.
How cute would this be with a little stack of mix and match bracelets? This cost me well under a dollar a bracelet.

Black and White Crafts

Friday, April 11, 2014 No comments
On today's Good Morning, Texas I'm sharing black and white crafts.  I'll post the video later on facebook.  I'm not sure what all the show will entail...I know I decided that black and white to mean meant books and old tutorial I'll be sharing is turning photos into candle holders.

Vintage Photo=New Candle Holder-Seriously, these are so easy, and how cute would they be at an anniversary or birthday party? I scanned a photo of my grandmother and her mom when she was young and printed it onto vellum (I found it at Hobby Lobby-near the scrapbook paper).

 I just added a glaze of mod podge to the candle holder and pressed the vellum down (after I trimmed it).  The mod podge dries clear.  You may need to press the bubbles out some when you first lay it down.  

Dictionary Necklace-I blogged about that yesterday.

Book Wreath-it cost me a buck to make this-that tutorial lives here.

Dictionary Necklace

Thursday, April 10, 2014 No comments
 This won't be the last you see of this technique, but here's my first go at it....I decided to make these dictionary word necklaces.  I have an old dictionary I've used a lot in the past for various crafts.  My friend got it at a garage sale.  You can find them at used book stores etc....
 I love the old pictures etc.
For necklace number one I found the word love.  You can grab these clear tiles in all shapes and sizes at the craft store in the jewelry section.
 You can also find these diamond glazes-I bought mine from a company at a craft show I was recently at-that website is  I don't get anything for telling you that, I just thought you'd like the source....though I'd be glad to have a free bottle or six!
 You dab five dots on the back-you want enough so that when you press down your picture, it covers the whole backside.
 Press it so that you see the words you want displayed.  It shouldn't run as long as it's not an inkjet printing-you could do this with any small picture etc....and I will....believe you me, I will.
 I used a q-tip to wipe off the extra.  Once it dried, I cut the edges (it takes about 10 minutes to dry.
 You could use glue, or jewelry glue dots to attach this to a jewelry tray (also found at the craft store).
I've got plans for these-magnets, jewelry, and gifts, oh my.

Bubble Gum Necklace

Friday, January 24, 2014 1 comment
 I made some baby necklaces a few years back using big chunky pearls.  Here is that tutorial.  I recently came across the idea of making necklaces out of bubblegum at is my version!  AND here is a free printable for tags that go along with these:  "I 'chews' you!", get it?
I found these bubble gums for 7 cents each, or 15 for a buck at Party City.  They come it all colors, and even have a fun little sheen on them that I LOVE.
 I took a small screw driver (phillips head) and poked a hole in one side  I did the same to the opposite side.  I didn't go all the way through b/c pushing from the inside makes it crack.
I then slowly rolled it around to make the hole big enough to thread a needle and ribbon through.  
 I used a needled (tapestry) with a head large enough to thread some ribbon through.
 I started with three feet of ribbon.  I left one foot loose and tied a knot on both sides and then threaded another piece of bubble gum, tied another knot etc.
 When I was finished, I tied it together with a ribbon, added a tag, and put them in little jewelry boxes (they sell these at craft stores.