Category: Cat
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Primitive Cat Straws

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 No comments
 I have a few last projects airing today (or tomorrow) on Good Morning, Texas.  I did a whirlwind recording last week before one of the shows.   I'll post the segment later on facebook.   I have been really into primitive stuff lately and so I made some of these little cat faces for straw decorations/candy dcorations.
For these little guys I googled primitive cat pictures and found these little fella's.  Here is the site I found these on.
 I cut some crepe paper in half and then pinch it into a ruffle and just taped it to the back of the cat.
I trimmed around the cat a bit and just glue it to a straw.  
I'll also be sharing the rest of my 2x4 projects.  I demo'd the cat a few weeks back-that video is here.  
...and last....some kitchen supplies turned pumpkin.  Links below.  

2x4 Halloween Projects
Jack O Lantern Cheese Grater
Cutting Board Pumpkins

Spooky 2x4 Projects

Friday, October 17, 2014 No comments
 I bought a 2x4 in August...and much like Pinocchio's nose...I'm pretty sure it keeps growing b/c four projects later...I've still got wood to use.  It was money well spent.  I posted about the 2x4 cats and 2x4 pumpkins over the last few weeks.  The ghost round out this group.
To make the ghost I still cut them all different sizes and then chopped off each side  I painted them white and used a dabber to make the eyes.  I sanded the edges again so they would match their friends.  It would have been fun to glitter them up or even use glow in the dark paint, but....I wanted this particular set to look like their family.  I'm mixing and matching these so it's a three pack of spooky friends.  I don't do too much with wood, but if you are starting out-the only tools I've needed are a jig saw, piece of sanding paper, and a cheap drill.  2x4 is a little tougher to cut b/c it's so thick, but I decided to use this because it sits up better.

Vintage Cat Pail

Friday, September 26, 2014 No comments
 Last year I was scouting around the net for a different Halloween idea, but I stumbled across the tutorial for using the dollar pumpkin buckets from the store and turning them into vintage Halloween pails via Rook17.  Uhh...hello...vintage Halloween?  I'm in.  It really was a simple process.  Even the painting of the face was much easier than I thought it would be.....and I'm all about the 1920's Halloween decor!!
 All it took was the dollar plastic pumpkin, glue, water, and paper.  I tore the paper into bits.  I mixed a glue water paste (probably about 2 T of glue to 1 c. water).  I ran each piece through and just set it on the pumpkin and overlapped each one a bit.  I cut off the handle b/c I replaced it later with one that was more 'vintage.'
 after the first layer, I used two pieces of cardboard and taped on the ear shape with masking tape, then I repeated the glue/paste process two more times.  Since there is a solid pumpkin underneath, this is more than enough layers.  I took a can of spray paint I got for a dollar and sprayed it up.
 I used paint, a paint brush, and some mediocre painting skills and went to work on the face.  You could use a pencil in advance to trace out your parts, but I used the good ol' 'wipe it off' method if I didn't like the shape I initiailly painted on.  I also use the 'unplug/replug computer' method to fix any computer problems...I clearly missed out on my calling as an A)  Artist and B)  Computer Engineer.
 I then bought a dowel rod, sawed off a 3 inch piece, paint it black and then drilled a hole in both sides of the bucket, and both ends of the dowel rod (I didn't have a bit big enough to go through the entire dowel rod.  I cut some wire (two pieces) to attach the handle, and wrapped it through the hole, and then poke each piece into the sides of the dowel and just glue them into place. I added a little 'curl' to the wire with a pencil b/c it was cute....and I cut the wire too long and didn't want to go through that process again.
 ...I don't know what this is dog either A)  Is not happy about a cat being in the house.  B)  Wants to know where the candy is that is supposed to fill this guy or C)  Wants to know why this stupid project took away from his petty time.
 Ta da...the finished product...

Cat Gift Pack

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 No comments
My goal for gifts for little beings under 3 feet is to find a book...or in this case 5 books to create a little gift theme.  Blythe turned 4 a few months ago and she has a cat she loves and so I decided to go with that theme....and in the process I got to send some of my favorite cat books!  I made some little felt finger puppets and found a rhyming book which included this poem.  
Here is a free template for the cat finger puppets.  I just cut it out of felt....
Sewed on a face (thought you could also use glue and a permanent marker for the details).  
 I also found some fact books on cats, a board book, Pete the Cat (soooo cute, there is a song that the writer's wrote to go along with it) and Skippy Jon Jones.  Of course, I threw in stickers and fun crayons with the cat concept in mind (I know home girl can create quite a mess with that combo)...along with a cheetah themed outfit.

Halloween Transfer Shirts

Monday, October 08, 2012 1 comment
This Thursday I'm taking a collection of projects to GMT....this is half of the first segment.  I got a little carried away.  I'll be demoing how to make these little shirts, incredibly easy.  I've done this about fifteen thousand different ways.  I've sent out all my Halloween cards and gifts for this year, so now I'm working on NEXT year.  Above, the shirt for Micah's second I'm on the hunt for some cute leggings and an appropriate bow. 
I made this little Halloween bag for my buddy Donovan....
 He has a little brother on the way (coming to a nursery, not nearly close enough to me, February).  His name has yet to be revealed, so I thought I was super cleaver (don't burst my bubble) and I found a monster icon and and put Monster Mash....get food, mash, get it?  OK....I'm over it. 
 My pal, Laine, at school has a little baby girl who will be here by Friday whether she comes on her own, or with the help of the doctors.....she is definitely going to need some Halloween gear.  She also has a little black kitty waiting to meet her at home who has no idea his life is about to be turned upside down, but maybe he will be more forgiving if she wears a little tribute to him?
Seriously, I could go on and on, but I'll stop and review the steps to making these....and then I'm off to making turkeys and gingerbreads, and probably leprechauns and firecrackers. 
Step One:  You need to grab some transfer paper and a shirt/onsie/bib/bag/anything that will stay still works.  They sell this for transfering to white fabric (light) or dark fabric, so depending on what you are doing, depends on what you purchase. 

Step Two:  You can create your own design via the paint, or you can purchase them on sites like Etsy and have them personalized.  Here is the cat without a name.  You can download it, put it in a word document, right click and move it to the 'back' and then type the name in whatever font/size you want.  I then did 'print screen' or snag it to get the whole thing.  There may be an easier way, but this is my ghetto computer skills at work. 
Step Three:  Paste the whole thing in another word document.  Under picture tools one of the options is to rotate horizontal.  You need the name to be facing the opposit direction b/c you iron this down and you want the mirror image. 

Step Four:  Print it out (sometime of the ink jet transfer papers have a program you can use for free, if you just do step two and ssave your file as a pdf, you can copy them into the program and it will rotate the whole thing for you). 
Step Five:  Cut it out, I leave a little bit of the white, it won't show up on the shirt, but it helps as you peal it off if a little wants to come up, the color will stay. 
Step Six:  Press it down (put pressure, pick up the iron, and press in the next stop, don't 'rub' it like a normal iron so it doesn'ts lip around).  Let it cool, and lift carefully. 
These are machine washable on the gentle cycle after they 'set' for 72 hours.

Halloween Tote Bag

Sunday, October 24, 2010 3 comments
I saw this super cute pattern here for a precious little Trick or Treat Bag....or lunch bag for those of us too old to trick or treat without being egged, or arrested-or something.  I believe that's called discrimination, I too have the right to free candy, I'll get back to you when I find that line in the constitution, and make my picket sign for the lawns of the Supreme Court.   I fell in love with the kitty on the bag, and the gal who shared this pattern for free!  The internet is a magical land.  I printed it off, traced the design on muslin, and worked on it during my nights away from home.   Embroidery is fun, it's like coloring with a needle, but I use the word 'embroidery' very lightly here, in the-'it's art, are there really rules?' sort of way, and if your answer is 'yes there are rules' I'm not actually looking for anyone but myself to answer that, I usually agree with myself.  I then added some black dotted fabric and made handles with additional muslin, a liner, sewed all the right sides together....

Turned it all right side out.  Called Coach, and other major handbag designers to let them know to watch out....

Sewed the two inside edges together, and tada.....a little Halloween lunch bag.