
Showing posts with label Year in review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Year in review. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2019

2018 Finishes

12 ornaments
Touching the autumn sky - Mirabilia
Happily ever after - Dimensions
Hearts aflutter - 1897 Schoolhouse Samplers
Just Nan limited edition ornaments: Gingerbread mouse and Lorelei lamb

The January 1st Stitch Along Start for 2018 was Dragons of Sumatra by Ink Circles
Also, a late year stitch along started December 26 - Dark shards by Ink Circles

Carry Over Projects for 2019

Tour des marques (The Silver Lining) started in 2006
Plum pudding (Glendon Place) started in 2012
Forest walk (Heaven and Earth Designs) / Anne Stokes started 2012
Seasonal mandalas [1 complete] (Ink Circles) started 2012 January SAL
Winter tree silhouette (Artecy) started 2016
Canada sampler (Stitchova) started 2017 January SAL
Serenity prayer version 2 (My Big Toe Designs) started 2017
Fantasy triptych (Teresa Wentzler) started 2017
Blackstone fantasy garden (Ink Circles) started 2017
Dragons of Sumatra (Ink Circles) started 2018 January SAL
Dark shards (Ink Circles) 2018

New Projects for 2019

January 1st Stitch Along Start

Shakespeare's fairies by Mirabilia

Planned: Autumn reflections by John Clayton - part of the Heritage Stitch Craft Circles collection

Sunday, December 31, 2017

State of the Stitching : 2017 edition

It seems like I just sat down to review the stitching progress of 2016, but here it is time to review the projects of 2017. 

This year has been ... not normal.  I started the year focusing on finishing Fortunate traveller and then decided to try a rotation as well has having reduced vision for several weeks while my right eye healed.  

The Finishes:

5 Red thread motifs (Rosewood manor)

Fortunate traveller (Teresa Wentzler)
Island geese (X's and Oh's)
Bees knees (Ink Circles)
Merry ho ho (Lizzie Kate)

Cougar kitten (The Stitching Studio)
French country reindeer ornament (JBW)
Sweet home (Nikkipattern)
A couple of ornaments

Wow - this looks like a sad amount of stitching.

I did make progress on others: Canada Sampler, Plum Pudding, Touching the autumn sky, Blackstone fantasy garden and I started a second Serenity prayer

The stash zone looks and works so much better after an update as well.

I have plans for next year, so stay tuned for those. 

Saturday, December 31, 2016

State of the Stitching 2016 Edition

Here we are at the end of 2016 and I thought I would take a look at the stitching year that was.  

This year's finishes:

Snow is coming (AuryTM Designs) Ornament
Serenity prayer (My Big Toe) 
One hundred years (Lizzie Kate)
Wedding row - the green version (Bent Creek)
Little hedgie (Just Nan)
Oakley owlet (Just Nan)
A couple other ornaments

I did manage to get a lot done on Fortunate traveller which isn't finished but is close.

Stitching in progress 

Bees knees by Ink Circles

Forest Walk by Heaven and Earth Designs

Fortunate traveller by Teresa Wentzler

Spring Quaker by Rosewood Manor

Touching the autumn sky by Mirabilia

Tour des marques by Silver Lining
Plum pudding by Glendon Place

Winter tree silhouette by Artecy

I'm getting a couple more projects ready to start in January including our yearly SAL.  

Here's to more stitching next year

Thursday, December 31, 2015

State of the stitching

Ack!!  I have a list of blog posts that I had every intention to do this month but then got swamped and it didn't happen.

Today, as we say good-bye to 2015 I give you the state of the projects that are being carried into next year:

Just Nan 12 Days of Christmas

Fortunate Traveller TW

Plum Pudding Glendon Place

Serenity Prayer My Big Toe
Summer mandala Ink Circles
Tour des Marques Silver Lining
Bees knees Ink Circles
Forest walk Heaven and Earth Designs

"Tonight" aka tomorrow when I get up because there is no way I will still be awake at midnight -  I will be starting Rosewood Manor's Spring Quaker.

I decided to use the recommended Weeks Dye Works conversion instead of Valdani threads.

Until next year - have a good night.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Finishes of old and January TUSAL

It's the start of a New Year.

Here's a look back at the projects I finished in 2013

Star (JBW Designs)
Maple leaf (Alessandra Adelaide)

Tis green (La D Da)
Day one [12 days of Christmas] (Dragon Dreams)
Scalloped heart (JBW Designs)
Quaker snowman
Tis red (La D Da)
Baby book
Dance in the rain (Lizzie Kate)

Day 2 [12 days of Christmas] (Dragon Dreams)
Day 3 [12 days of Christmas] (Dragon Dreams)
Day 4 [12 days of Christmas] (Dragon Dreams)
Day 5 [12 days of Christmas] (Dragon Dreams)
Day 6 [12 days of Christmas] (Dragon Dreams)
Tribal wolf head
Letter K (Red threads, Rosewood Manor)
Letter J (Red threads, Rosewood Manor)
Letter L (Red threads, Rosewood Manor)
Knot (Red threads, Rosewood Manor)
French country butterfly (JBW Designs)

Prancer (JBW Designs)
Corn mill (John Clayton / Heritage Stitchcraft)
Sweet clover heart (Just Nan)
My to do list (Lizzie Kate)


Today is also the first TUSAL post of the year.

Check out the details here

It's been really cold here the last few days.  Perhaps a good time to break out the hot chocolate I got for Christmas.