
Showing posts with label Tour des Marques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tour des Marques. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sometimes too much is a bad thing

I have decided that I have too many projects on the go; there are so many choices that I can't decide which ones to work on.  So I made a short list of ones I will work on until I finally see some finished:

 Serenity Prayer version 2 - My Big Toes Designs

Autumn reflections - John Clayton/Heritage Stitchcraft

Tour des Marques - The Silver Lining

Plum pudding - Glendon Place

Blackstone fantasy garden - Ink Circles

Friday, June 01, 2018

In the merry, merry month of May

Here we are in June and I didn't get a last post done in May to show off all the stitching progress I made.

So to start off June here is what happened in May since last time

I finished Lorelei Lamb by Just Nan

I did this one on 32 count lugana instead of linen

I managed to finish frogging Blackstone Fantasy Garden by Ink Circles and then made some good progress on the green border

I did a little on Tour - which is so hard to see over one on 25 count

And I did a little bit on Serenity Prayer version 2

I am also having a debate on this one - the pattern is actually two colours - there are some flowers coming up and I am trying to decide if I should do the piece all in one colour or use B5000 (bright white) for the flowers.... must decide soon

I also did some work on my genealogy project which took much longer than I was thinking it would.  I made some really good progress though, although having ancestors with super common names is so frustrating.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

There's hands!

Here we are the middle of April, not that you would know that here in Ottawa by the weather - it is snowing, with ice pellets and freezing rain expected later today. I guess I will have to stay in and stitch all day.

I have managed some progress on two projects since last blog

Tour - I have been trying to fill in all the missing stitches, which is slow and annoying when stitching over one but progress was made

And I have been working on Touching the Autumn Sky. she now has hands and a coat... and a variety of colours that don't always make sense

Some of my stitching friends seem to think that I should focus stitch and get her done.. but I am on the fence.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

It's supposed to be spring

Spring has arrived!

Not that you can tell  given how cold it still is out.

This past weekend was March Retreat.  Too much food, many giggles and staying up way past my bedtime.

I made some progress on Tour des Marques

There were goodie bags - with needle minder, rare earth magnets, a scissor fob made by yours truly and a little plastic frog to keep the stitching ones at bay.

There were a few finishes on display this weekend

Monday, February 26, 2018

Tower building

I've made some more progress on Tour des marques.  It's slow going, but I managed to find an area with a few chunks of the same colour

Monday, February 12, 2018

Five short years later

Before going to post this I decided to check the blog to see when the last time I had worked on this project.. and it was February 2013.  Glup

This weekend I finally got out Tour des Marques to work on. I had pulled out the fabric and chart late last year, but hadn't managed to get myself organized until now.  It has been so long since I worked on it I am not sure where the threads are... luckily I had full sets of DMC and Anchor and have been working out of the boxes.

Saturday morning... before

Sunday night

It seems like so little progress - I am trying to remember that it always looks small when stitching over one... and also- it's a lot more than I have done in the last five years.

If things go to plan this will be worked on again later this month.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

State of the Stitching 2016 Edition

Here we are at the end of 2016 and I thought I would take a look at the stitching year that was.  

This year's finishes:

Snow is coming (AuryTM Designs) Ornament
Serenity prayer (My Big Toe) 
One hundred years (Lizzie Kate)
Wedding row - the green version (Bent Creek)
Little hedgie (Just Nan)
Oakley owlet (Just Nan)
A couple other ornaments

I did manage to get a lot done on Fortunate traveller which isn't finished but is close.

Stitching in progress 

Bees knees by Ink Circles

Forest Walk by Heaven and Earth Designs

Fortunate traveller by Teresa Wentzler

Spring Quaker by Rosewood Manor

Touching the autumn sky by Mirabilia

Tour des marques by Silver Lining
Plum pudding by Glendon Place

Winter tree silhouette by Artecy

I'm getting a couple more projects ready to start in January including our yearly SAL.  

Here's to more stitching next year

Friday, February 22, 2013

Crazy Busy

After work tonight did not go as I had planned.  When I left I discovered that the corner up from my building was the scene of a collision that resulted in two cars having their front ends smashed in.  This meant that the road was closed and my bus, when it detoured around the accident, didn't come in front of my building.  I was over half an hour late making my last connection.  So I decided seeing I was already late I might as well get groceries done -- store was crazy busy! I was glad to get done and get home.

I have some progress to share on Tour, managed to deal with the old confetti issues and I hope it will be better moving forward

Monday, February 04, 2013


This is the 800th rambling post of this blog.  Perhaps I should set a goal of reaching 1 000 this year? Something to think about.

I have been working on Tour, trying to get all the stupid confetti stitches I left myself filled in so I can move forward in a more logical fashion.  I have almost finished that part, I should be finished soon.



Monday, January 21, 2013

Productive Weekend

Weekend's over, it's still cold out.

It was a fairly good weekend stitching wise, didn't get a lot of other things done that are on my to do list.

Here is the progress:


Tour (I'm trying to get my confetti filled in so I can get going on this in a more productive method, getting close now)

And Plum Pudding

And now back to stitching

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

And the kitchen sink

Oh where to start....

Progress on current pieces

There's winter (edging closer to being 1/4 done)

Tour des Marques (working on wall confetti, yuck)

Olive (more blobs)

New starts

I decided to start the black outline on Summer

And was bad and started Plum Pudding (hee)

And the done

I finished another ornament

Christmas lace
Ink Circles
Gift of Stitching Vol. 23 December 2007
32 ct white something, DMC threads

I picked up the 2012 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue... this may be bad seeing I seem to be on an ornament kick right now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Finally! Stitching!

I have stitching progress to share!

I pulled out Cirque des Cercles again

and Tour des Marques

I have trees!  I spent Sunday afternoon doing all the confetti in the trees

and Winter

still filling in

and Olive

Today we cleared the last of the stuff out of the library.  It's been a long week and now I guess I get to unpack my office (joy - not).

Monday, June 04, 2012

Soggy Get Together Weekend

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be invited to visit Shelia at Georgian Bay.  Packed up the car and headed off Thursday after work and stayed until just afternoon on Sunday.

I enjoyed lovely company, good food, lots of stitching and horrible weather.  Eww rain and cool.

Forest Walk, aka Olive

Tour des Marques


We were having such a great time I really didn't take any pictures.
It was a wonderful time, thank you to our wonderful host.

Monday, April 02, 2012

April Goals & Tour

Here we are in April (where did March go?)  It's time to review March... and look ahead to April

March Goals

Do JBW French Country Teddy Bear Yes, working on framing now
Frame Wedding Row Yes, and delivered
Frame Giggles in the Snow Yes, and delivered
Work on Winter Yes
Do an ornament Nope, didn't even get one picked out

April Goals

Frame and deliver FC Teddy Bear
Finish black on Winter
Work on Olive
Work on Tour
Stitch an ornament 

I feel like I'm forgetting something here....

I have dusted off an old project that got tucked into the stitching bag.  According to the blog the last time I worked on this was July 2008.  I really didn't think it had been that long!  

Anyhow, here is Tour... with more green filled in

I've been playing with the idea of trying to finish it this year.  Not sure yet.