
Showing posts with label Stitch Area. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stitch Area. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Playing catch up

It has been so busy this month.

The was a death in the family at the beginning of the month and then an unexpected reunion just last week.  I have also been working on finishing up a presentation of the family genealogy which is almost done.

On the 12th Dani and I travelled to Toronto to see the Foo Fighters.  It was an excellent show and we managed to not get lost on the subway.

 I have made only a little progress on the new stash area.  The main parts are in place, I am attempting to make the best use of space.

I have been working on a wedding piece for one of my cousin's.  It was a Dimensions kit but I have changed the colours

I have managed to do a little on Dragons of Sumatra

Serenity Prayer finally got a few stitches - I am trying out 712 for the flowers for this one.

I am also working on a secret project... it has progressed well this weekend

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

You have to start somewhere

In the last month or so several stitching friends and I have been discussing our stashes and how it is all stored.  Most of us are lucky and have a spot for our stitching supplies but keeping things neat, organized and inventoried.  

I made up a list of questions for a friend as a starting point for us to make a plan for her new space and thought I would share it (also have it accessible later instead of "somewhere" in the email folder.  There are more things to consider but this is a good place to start when either setting up a spot or making changes to an existing space.


1. Is there a spot that can be taken over just for the stash?

1a. How big is it?

1b.Is it open to other parts of the house?

1c. Do you want things to be hidden/covered if it is? Or  mix?

2. Is there a theme or colour scheme?

3. What furniture pieces are available?  Are they going to be purchased or taken from other parts of the house?

4. Do you want to have display for finished pieces such as tree or hanging frame?

5. Do you/will you be putting away things as they are acquired/used or should there be a place set up to hold things?

6. Is everything in one spot right now?  Going forward do you want everything in one spot or are you to use several?

7. Are WIPs going to be in their own spot in the stash area or by your stitching spot?

8. Is the space going to be just for your cross stitching or other hobbies?

9. Are you going to purge while setting things up or keeping everything?

10. How are you storing the following and are you happy with it?

10a. Charts
10b. Kits
10c. Magazines
10d. DMC – Regular
10e. DMC – Other
10f. Threads – Skeins
10g. Threads - Spools
10h. Fabric
10i. Beads
10j. UFOs/Pre-Kitted Projects
10k. Finished Unfinished pieces
10l. Finishing materials
10m. Stitching aids like hoops, frames, scissors, needles, highlighters etc.

Most of these questions look pretty easy to answer but can actually be challenging.  Then there is the hard part: setting things up.

I have added some more drawers in my cubes in the stash zone so have been tweaking things a bit. I hope to be done soon and will post an update.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

On display

In 2013 a special stitching friend, Adriana, passed away at 97.  That year for Christmas her daughter gifted me with an ornament she had stitched.  

I have been trying to think of a way to display it - and a spot - that would be suitable for such a special piece.

One day last year while shopping I happened upon a small shadow box that I assembled, and found a hook.

I have been rearranging things in the stash zone and finally decided on a spot for the shadow box and Adriana's ornament.  


I hope the display does it justice.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

January Goals and Such

As it is the start of another month it is time to think about stitching goals.

December Goals

Finish items (Christmas presents) Yes, mostly because I got Dani to help
Stitch an ornament Yes
Kit Spring Quakers Yes, in time for start

January Goals

  • Stitch an ornament (Bonnie has suggested one of the Just Nan 12 Days of Christmas that I started last year as a crazy start)
  • Start Spring Quakers
  • Work on Serenity Prayer

I have been thinking that I want to make a plan for the first part of year for projects.  I found that having a focus has helped - mostly because then I don't sit here thinking "Self, what should I work on?"

January - March Projects

  • Serenity Prayer (I would like to finish)
  • Fortunate traveller
  • Plum pudding
  • Ornaments (including Just Nan limited edition critters)

That'll keep me busy ;)

As part of Operation: Purge Living Room I rearranged things only to discover that I didn't take into account a drink spot next to my stitching chair.  So - a small set of Ikea Kallax shelves and I now have a drink spot and a spot for my WIPs next to the stitching chair (still a work in progress - as is Operation: Purge Living Room).

So far it's awesome

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Light It Up

I had a comment the other day asking about my little travel light that appeared with my orts.

The light in question is a Ott-light flip travel light that I picked up at Michaels ages ago.  I like it because it's easy to travel with but it

can be a bit tricky to get at the right height/angle.  I have one of these that stays at the parents for when I am there.

Travel light

At home I have a nice full size floor light that Santa got for me a few years ago.  I know several people that have two - one for their stitching area at home and one that travels with them.

At home floor light

Neither of these is a magnifier, I usually don't need one.  However, I did pick up this one a couple of years ago.  It uses LED lights or you can use without.   When I got this I was warned to keep it covered in case it starts a fire.  So of course it's away from the sun.... one must protect the stitching!!


When looking for a light I'd say to look for a daylight bulb.  If you don't like the look of the floor lamp like I have you can get a more traditional looking one.  Canadian Tire has one.  

And finally a warning:  other people in your house will want to use your light.... cause it's just that awesome.