The was a death in the family at the beginning of the month and then an unexpected reunion just last week. I have also been working on finishing up a presentation of the family genealogy which is almost done.
On the 12th Dani and I travelled to Toronto to see the Foo Fighters. It was an excellent show and we managed to not get lost on the subway.
I have made only a little progress on the new stash area. The main parts are in place, I am attempting to make the best use of space.
I have been working on a wedding piece for one of my cousin's. It was a Dimensions kit but I have changed the colours
I have managed to do a little on Dragons of Sumatra
Serenity Prayer finally got a few stitches - I am trying out 712 for the flowers for this one.
I am also working on a secret project... it has progressed well this weekend