
Showing posts with label SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAL. Show all posts

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Life is better

 On January 1st I started the annual New Year SAL project.  This time we picked a small, easier project.  I managed to get in done in January as well which was a change (lol)

Life is Better

Lizzie Kate

28 count mystery fabric


Friday, January 07, 2022

Boxing Day 2021 Start: Blueprint

 Boxing Day has turned into a new SAL start over the last few years; in fact Henna mandala was the SAL start for 2020.

For 2021 we decided to start Ink Circles' Blueprint for the rainbow city

I started and worked on it Boxing Day but haven't had much time yet.  

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jardin de Plaisir - Start

 On January 1st I started Long Dog Sampler's Jardin de Plaisir

I'm looking forward to adding the red.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Everythig new

Welcome to a new year, a new decade, a new stitching project and a new year SAL

This morning I took some update pictures of my recent progress on the projects I have been working on recently

Serenity Prayer (My Big Toe Designs)

Autumn reflections (Heritage Stitchcraft - John Clayton)

On Boxing Day I started a new project - Castle Walls by Ink Circles

This morning I start this year's SAL - Let it snow by Barbara Ana Designs

Friday, June 01, 2018

In the merry, merry month of May

Here we are in June and I didn't get a last post done in May to show off all the stitching progress I made.

So to start off June here is what happened in May since last time

I finished Lorelei Lamb by Just Nan

I did this one on 32 count lugana instead of linen

I managed to finish frogging Blackstone Fantasy Garden by Ink Circles and then made some good progress on the green border

I did a little on Tour - which is so hard to see over one on 25 count

And I did a little bit on Serenity Prayer version 2

I am also having a debate on this one - the pattern is actually two colours - there are some flowers coming up and I am trying to decide if I should do the piece all in one colour or use B5000 (bright white) for the flowers.... must decide soon

I also did some work on my genealogy project which took much longer than I was thinking it would.  I made some really good progress though, although having ancestors with super common names is so frustrating.

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Skirt of many colours

I have been working on Touching the autumn sky, specifically the many coloured skirt area.  I keep thinking about the Dolly Parton song Coat of many colours when I work on this.

I have made some noticeable progress I think.

September 2017 - last update

Sunday afternoon 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Tower building

I've made some more progress on Tour des marques.  It's slow going, but I managed to find an area with a few chunks of the same colour

Monday, February 12, 2018

Five short years later

Before going to post this I decided to check the blog to see when the last time I had worked on this project.. and it was February 2013.  Glup

This weekend I finally got out Tour des Marques to work on. I had pulled out the fabric and chart late last year, but hadn't managed to get myself organized until now.  It has been so long since I worked on it I am not sure where the threads are... luckily I had full sets of DMC and Anchor and have been working out of the boxes.

Saturday morning... before

Sunday night

It seems like so little progress - I am trying to remember that it always looks small when stitching over one... and also- it's a lot more than I have done in the last five years.

If things go to plan this will be worked on again later this month.

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Ink Circles Monday Report: Dragons

I realized this evening that I forgot to post the start of Dragons of Sumatra (Ink Circles) last week.  I had a cold so I didn't get much done.

So tonight is a two for one

Week one (a start!)

And Week two

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Coming soon: Dragons

November is speeding away and as we get closer to the end of the year it's time to get ready for the January 1 SAL.

This year the design was chosen way back in March.  We have never chosen the design this early before but it just seemed to work.

The project is Dragons of Sumatra by Ink Circles.  I didn't want to do the classic red on white fabric, so I started thinking about other choices.  I ended up going with white thread on red fabric.

The fabric is colour ruby wine and the thread is Icy Snow by Threadworx.  Fingers crossed it works out.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

A cougar, a garden and Canada

I made some progress on a couple of pieces in August.  I also started a new piece that has been in my stash for a few years that I kept meaning to get to, also Monday is now Ink Circles Monday for a dedicated Ink Circles project night.


Cougar Kitten (Stitching Studio)

Blackstone fantasy garden (Ink Circles)

Canada sampler (Stitchrovia)

Sunday, January 08, 2017

A mile of back-stitching

At long last stitching progress!

On January 1st when I got up I started Canada Sampler by Stitchrovia. I only did a bit before going back to Fortunate traveler.  I am hoping to get some more stitching on it later this month.

There has been much progress on Fortunate traveler!  

First, the verse is finished - after having to frog the bunny and two lines.  I was out by a thread.  

Then I started on the top left of the dragon scene and started filling in any missed stitches and added the back-stitching.  Lots and lots of back-stitching.  I still have to finish the dragon's eye, but will do that once the rest is complete.

As of this afternoon (and the taking of the progress picture) I have five of six pages done, there is a little left on page five where I want to complete page six to make the back-stitching easier.  

Once the dragon scene is complete I still need to do Stretch the dragon, finish back-stitching the border, add eyelets and lazy daisy and then bead. 

Monday, November 07, 2016

Better late then never

The best laid plans never seem to work. 

I have had blog on my to do list but I never seem to manage to fit it in. Things have been busy the last few weeks and the rest of this month is busy at work as we move to a new software system.

This past weekend was wonderful and relaxing as I went to Retreat. 16 other great ladies and three days of stitching. 

And a lot of food. 
And laughing. 
It was a blast.

I didn't set stitching goals in October. Right now I can't remember why - oops. If you don't set them that means you succeeded right?

November Goals

Work on Fortunate Traveller - I want to have this all finished this year

Work on Touching the autumn sky

Work on blanket that I started to crochet


Touching the autumn sky

Fortunate traveller

Friday, September 09, 2016

Here a stitch, There a stitch

I had such a fun day at work today.  For those of you who don't know I work in a library, the technical side not the side that deals with "clients".  Today I got to do one of those things that is listed under "other assigned duties".... and it involved a hammer.

Oh yes, I was told to hit things.  

One of our book trucks lost a wheel.  How my co-worker managed this I did not ask.  But as I control the tool box I got to fix it.  I got it out of book truck time out, flipped it over and put the wheel back in.  It was fun.  Then I had to do real work which wasn't as fun.  

And now for stitching.

I thought I would post an update of Fortunate traveller.  I am hoping to spend at least part of the weekend working on the scene.  Right now I am doing a lot of confetti stitches: a stitch, change colour, another stitch.  

Monday, August 15, 2016

Mind the puddle

It's a good thing I was home this Saturday.  I went to go into the bathroom and the rug went squish. Bleep. 

Frantic searching.

Oh, the water line is leaking.  Bleep again

Turn water shut off

Call building maintenance.

New supply line - all fixed 

So - after all that fun I thought I should stitch and relax.

Here is the progress on Fortunate traveller - actually I will post the last picture too.

July 25


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Boxed in

Here a box
There a box
Boxes everywhere!

I have made some really good progress on Fortunate traveller - despite the complaining that Dani is doing on how long it is taking.

I have finished all the ivy and flowers on the border, and added the inner borders.  I will be doing the back-stitching as I go.

I have moved on to the title section and am still debating what part is next...

Friday, January 01, 2016

A new stitching beginning

For the last few years New Year's has been the start of a new SAL.  This year we decided on Rosewood Manor's Spring Quaker.

When I got up this morning I did put in a few stitches to start it. 

Yes,  this time I was good and started in the top left like I was supposed to.

My stitching plan has been to focus as much as possible on Serenity Prayer to complete it, so once I started Spring I got the blue monster out.  

Most of what I got done today was on the border.  It is now just past the half way point on the left hand side.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blue flying

The crappy weather has proven to be useful. I was forced to stay in and stitch.  I have finished Peacock!!   

Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks
c. 2014
DMC with 032BF
28 ct. Opalescent lugana

Monday, February 16, 2015

Blue bird

There's good news: I feel better, the cold is cleared up.

There's bad news: I have even more things on my to do list.

There's good news: I've been stitching.

There's bad news: I keep forgetting I need to blog.

So, here it is.  

A peacock progress picture.  I keep saying it's 50 shades of blue even though I think it's really 12

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Outlined In Blue

Despite being sick with a cold the couple of weeks I have managed to finish the outline of Peacock.  

It took about 3 skeins of 823 but I have now started filling in.

I have also been working on some changes in the stash zone: details to follow.