
Showing posts with label Plum Pudding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plum Pudding. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Weekly progress March 1-21

 So I missed posting progress so far this month and decided to do a month to date instead.

Blueprint for the rainbow city

Serenity prayer

Plum pudding

I restarted Blackstone fantasy garden on different fabric

Mother’s bliss

Monday, February 13, 2023

Weekly progress February 5 - February 11

 I made some progress on a few projects:

Serenity prayer - My Big Toe Designs

Reflections of Ireland - Ink Circles

Mother’s bliss - Mirabilia

Plum pudding - Glendon Place

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Catching up with Plum

 I have made some progress on Plum pudding over the last year.  Still not done but finally over half way; I would like to see this done this year.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Other January progress - so far

 I have been spending some time working on two other projects so far this month.  

I dug deep into the bin and pulled out Four season mandalas by Ink Circles and dusted off the started Summer...  the part that was done is the section that has colour filled in.  I am working at finishing up the outline - about half done now.

Also got out Plum Pudding.  An unofficial goal for this year is to finish this.... it's still early days so fingers crossed

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas break progress

 Christmas was very, very quiet.  None of the usual family get togethers happened this year following the recommendations of the Health Unit to not gather.  This meant that I had much stitching time.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Top of the basket: Plum Pudding

As the end of 2020 approaches an update on projects that actually saw the top of the project basket this year.

Plum pudding by Glendon Place... over the half way point finally.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

State of the stitching - the catch up edition

I decided to post an update picture of the projects I have been working on recently.  

Blackstone fantasy garden 

Plum pudding

Autumn reflections

Serenity prayer

Templar prophecy

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sometimes too much is a bad thing

I have decided that I have too many projects on the go; there are so many choices that I can't decide which ones to work on.  So I made a short list of ones I will work on until I finally see some finished:

 Serenity Prayer version 2 - My Big Toes Designs

Autumn reflections - John Clayton/Heritage Stitchcraft

Tour des Marques - The Silver Lining

Plum pudding - Glendon Place

Blackstone fantasy garden - Ink Circles

Sunday, March 03, 2019

February recap

I had planned to do some update blog posts during the month but those didn't happen.  Instead I give you the February Stitching In One Shot post

A finish!  

Dark Shards
Ink Circles
32 ct. Antique white

DMC threads

An ornament

Scissortail Designs
DMC threads

Progress on Plum Pudding

Serenity prayer - the words on the first page are almost done

And finally I did a little filling in of the border on Blackstone fantasy garden

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A very good time

This past weekend I was off enjoying stitching retreat.  Three days of stitching and eating.... perfect winter event.  But it meant that I was busy in the days leading up to going, including putting together goodie "bags"

This time it was a snag nab it, bees wax, a 20 yard skein of Threadworx, a lindt ball, an animal eraser and for a bit of silly a pillow emoji keychain all in a snap lid box.

 I worked on two projects

Plum Pudding and

Dragons of Sumatra, I actually also did a little bit for Ink Circles Monday as well.  I have the start of dragons now

Now it is back to catching up on things and hoping for better weather.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Update: Plum Pudding

This week I managed to do a little stitching on Plum Pudding.  Not as much as I had hoped to get done but I got busy and didn't have as much time as I wanted.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

State of the Stitching 2016 Edition

Here we are at the end of 2016 and I thought I would take a look at the stitching year that was.  

This year's finishes:

Snow is coming (AuryTM Designs) Ornament
Serenity prayer (My Big Toe) 
One hundred years (Lizzie Kate)
Wedding row - the green version (Bent Creek)
Little hedgie (Just Nan)
Oakley owlet (Just Nan)
A couple other ornaments

I did manage to get a lot done on Fortunate traveller which isn't finished but is close.

Stitching in progress 

Bees knees by Ink Circles

Forest Walk by Heaven and Earth Designs

Fortunate traveller by Teresa Wentzler

Spring Quaker by Rosewood Manor

Touching the autumn sky by Mirabilia

Tour des marques by Silver Lining
Plum pudding by Glendon Place

Winter tree silhouette by Artecy

I'm getting a couple more projects ready to start in January including our yearly SAL.  

Here's to more stitching next year

Friday, July 24, 2015

Purple Blobs

I meant to do an update earlier this week but it didn't happen.  I remembered to take the picture when I got home so now I have to excuses.

After finishing Jingles I decided to get out Plum Pudding for a little while:

I have an idea for my what I want to work on but it might be a little too crazy.  You might remember that I started all 12 day of the Just Nan 12 Days of Christmas in January.  I've finished 1 and am thinking I should work on them until they're done.  See?  Crazy!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

For the first time in forever - a post

Here we are at the end of June.  The line up at the bus station for bus passes/tickets was HUGE when I was by this afternoon.

I have been truly horrible at doing blog posts this month, and this time it wasn't because I wasn't stitching.  My stitching mojo has been low this spring but it seems to be returning. 

I have managed to get stitching done this month.  I have even finished a couple Crazy Starts from 2014 and one from this year.  

2014 Crazy Start

 Deck the halls
Lizzie Kate Jingles
32 count Ivory joblean
DMC threads

2014 Crazy Start
Lizzie Kate Jingles
32 count Ivory joblean
DMC threads

Lizzie Kate Jingles
32 count Ivory joblean
DMC threads

Wait til Dec 25
Lizzie Kate Jingles
32 count Ivory joblean
DMC threads

Feather and Ink well
Online pattern
DMC thread 310, 553 and 4215

I also did a little more on Plum Pudding, it was a good travel piece when I went to visit the parents earlier this month.

Plum pudding

I have one more crazy start from 2014: Serenity Prayer.  I haven't worked on that in awhile but it's not my oldest piece.  That would be Tour des Marques from back in like 2007, it was a SAL and I'm the only one still working on it.