
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Frog in the house

Way back in August, Kathy and Beatrice gave me a lovely birthday present which is one of the things on the "I need to blog this" list.  

Yes, the list has stuff from August.  I'm that behind. I hang my head in shame.

Anyho, they got me this really cool frog jar.  It's kinda cute though I was a bit worried about the idea of actually bringing a frog into the stitching zone.

I'm not sure where it's going to go yet and I have some lovely Gentle Arts limited edition threads to find a project for.

Thanks Kathy and Beatrice :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Here Be Dragon

Last year at work we had a student who knitted.  She wasn't happy just doing scarves or blankets or gloves or socks. No she enjoyed doing animals.  I casually mentioned I had a dragon collection that one of her creations would look awesome in.

She had to go back to school and I kinda forgot about it in the chaos that was our move prep. 

Last week a big box appeared, and inside was my very own knit dragon:

Totally awesome

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Get Together Shopping

On October 13th.... Dani, Tracey and I piled into the car and headed to Kingston for the Cataraqui Needlework Guild's Annual Market Day.  We had a wonderful day of shopping along with a great visit with stitching friends at Rebecca's.

Dani has put together a lovely post here:

My shopping at the market was mostly this Redwood Manor chart:

Funnily enough before leaving market to go to Rebecca's I shared by purchase with Kathy who found this lovely fabric to use as finishing..... I may have to do one of these next.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Slice of Life

So I looked at the calendar and it says its the middle of August.  And I doubled checked cause it doesn't seem possible.

Last week was busy, and full of birthdays.  Beatrice started it off then the next day was my birthday. 

I took the day off work and went to see a friend and her two kids.  'Cause really what better way to feel old on your birthday but to spend it with two kids under two? 

 I discovered I make an excellent bed.  Greyson had a wonderful day of naps

Beatrice gave me a wonder piece of blue sparkly fabric... oh what to do with that

Kathy made this awesome bag for my travel light

and Mom decided that I need a new ort container.  Well really it's a crystal bowl but really you think I would use it for something dull like candy when I can use it for stitching?

Saturday Kathy's husband hosted a wonderful party for her 60th birthday.  Dani and I were more then happy to make the trip to attend.  I also found the perfect reason to gift her with a pair of left handed Dovo scissors.

This week has hard on the hands at work - I think I'm up to band-aid number five now.  With time moving so quickly we're really juggling to keep on top of our project and get things done as planned.  It's going ok just lots of work and hardly any time to breathe. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Heart Buckley's

I have been a bad blogger.  I was suppose to put together this post on Sunday but it didn't happened.

First, the BIG news:

The regular stitching is DONE on Earthdancer.  Yes you saw right, she is now ready for a bath and all the specialty threads and beads.  I was beginning to think it would never happen.

I also realized I didn't share my stitchy Christmas gift from Dani:

Aren't they pretty?

I have been having a hard time deciding what to work on now that I don't have to focus on Earthdancer.  For some reason last night I decided to be purple and go out tribal butterfly.  One wing is now finished, and I'm tempted to work on it until it's finished.

You may be wondering about the title of this blog post:


on the weekend my head suddenly filled in, I could hardly breathe, my throat was sore and I started to cough.  I broke out the Buckley's and am feeling human enough to string words together into sentences - something I couldn't do yesterday.  I may heart Buckley's but I hate my cold :(