The Bad
It has been ages since I blogged! I need like a reminder or something that says "you thought about it but didn't actually do it".
I apologize for the bad blogging habits and will attempt to do better.
Pinky swear
The Good
So the reason for the blog.
Serenity Prayer is back from the framer. I am awaiting word on what my brother thinks, I have not seen him since it was finished.
I did a little on Bees Knees (Ink Circles) - I'm turning the corner. (I'm sure there should be some sort of joke here)
I started One hundred years (Lizzie Kate). This is going to be a gift and has moved along well.
One of my Librarians at work is getting married this summer and I decided that I would surprise her with a stitched piece. I decided on Wedding Row (Bent Creek). I am at about the half way point - this picture is from the weekend.
I have a new start waiting for when Row is done. It is Winter tree silhouette by Hoping to get that started later this month.
I have also been poking at the stash zone - I got all the drawers installed in the cubes and have been organizing my threads.
Still lots to do.
The Devastating
In late March my mother's oldest sister lost her battle with cancer and passed away. There was a lovely Celebration of Life for her on April the 10th that was a reflection of the kind, wonderful well-loved woman she was.
It was at this gathering that I saw my Uncle (mom's oldest brother) who passed away last night. It was very sudden, and unexpected.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal
Until we meet again