
Showing posts with label Cougar kitten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cougar kitten. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2017

Ready to Play

Last week, while at the Parents I had a happy dance!

Cougar kitten is ready to play

Cougar kitten (inspired by Sue Coleman's artwork)
The Stitching Studio
Water cress jobelan 28 count

Monday, November 27, 2017

Cougar Update

I managed to get a little stitching done on the weekend.  Not as much as I wanted but errands took longer than I thought they would.

He almost has a finished tail - starting to see the end!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Put your paws in the air

The weekend is slipping away and I have been stitching away like a good hermit.

The cougar kitten now has all his paws and pretty much all his head.  He just needs his tail now.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Weekend Progress: Cougar

Over the weekend I made a little time to work on Cougar kitten.  It wasn't as much as I was hoping for as I got side-tracked by puttering around the apartment re-organizing - but something is better than nothing.

Monday, November 06, 2017

That makes more sense

I made some progress on Cougar kitten and Canada Sampler on the weekend.

Cougar is now about halfway done and it makes more sense when looking at him with the butterfly added.

I did a few hours on Canada Sampler

Friday, November 03, 2017

Cougar kitten update

I am working on the second page of cougar. He almost has a paw, he had more of one but I had to do some counter stitching.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Action packed

It has been a busy month.. and a bit.

On the 9th I went to see my parents, during this visit we planned a day trip.  My aunt joined us as we went on the 1000 Island Cruises Lost ships of the 1000 Islands cruise.  It was a little cool and windy for the first part of the trip but was bright and sunny by the time we got back.  This cruise does not include a stop at the restored Boldt Castle but it did go around it.  It was very pretty but I am not sure of the practicality of living in a castle in the middle of a river.

After the cruise we enjoyed a lovely bbq and visit.  And the next day I returned home.

I had a fairly quiet weekend the next week.  A friend and I went to see Wind River and to lunch.  The movie was excellent though the subject matter is not for everyone. 

On the 20th I took the train from Ottawa to Toronto where for the first time I went to Union Station before getting on the GO train and heading to Burlington.  Why would I go there you might ask?  I had a work meeting the next day but had a lovely dinner and walk along the pier.  After my meeting I got back on the GO and headed off to Oshawa to meet Bonnie.  We spent a few days in Toronto going to the Royal Ontario Museum and doing some shopping.  On Saturday morning we went to Gitta’s where we met friends for stash shopping and lunch. 

It was a packed few days, the weather was hot and not at all normal for the time of year.  Still we had a great time and managed to do almost everything on our list.

I headed home on Sunday very tired.

The last weekend of September was the Cataraqui Embroidery Guild Marketplace and Show in Kingston.  Dani and I headed down for the day and had lovely afternoon/evening visit with local stitching friends before we headed back home.

This past weekend was Thanksgiving (Canadian) and once again I travelled to see my parents.  On Saturday my aunt joined us for dinner and then I made her help identify some old photos.  We seem to have a lot with no names or the “grandma and I”. …. Not helpful!  They will be labeled shortly and I have scanned them as well.

We went to see another aunt for a large meal on Sunday before I was back home on Monday morning.

So much travelling and many things going on! This is not normal for me and I am ready for a few weekends at home.

I have managed to do a little stitching and have been trying to make progress on the stash zone:

Added some drawers to the stash zone

Touching the Autumn Sky

Started the second page on Cougar kitten

Blackstone Fantasy Garden

Second round of Serenity prayer

Merry Ho Ho Lizzie Kate

Thursday, September 07, 2017

A cougar, a garden and Canada

I made some progress on a couple of pieces in August.  I also started a new piece that has been in my stash for a few years that I kept meaning to get to, also Monday is now Ink Circles Monday for a dedicated Ink Circles project night.


Cougar Kitten (Stitching Studio)

Blackstone fantasy garden (Ink Circles)

Canada sampler (Stitchrovia)

Monday, August 07, 2017

Nothing in my eye

Good news - the gas bubble is now gone from my eye!  Late last month the gas bubble disappeared from my eye which means that I can see again.  I still have at least one more appointment with the specialist but things are healing as they should.

I have managed to get some stitching done :)

I finished Island Geese

Island Geese
X's and Oh's
28 count Babbling Brook Jobelean 
DMC threads

And I have worked some more on Cougar Kitten by The Stitching Studio

And I got out Canada Sampler

Unfortunately I have had to frog a bit of Bees Knees.  I was out by a stitch.  Ugh.  This is at about the half way point.

I have been considering my stitching project options now that I am I back to it... I have been playing with the idea of a 3 day rotation of two projects for the month with the addition of Ink Circles Monday.  Still working on that as an idea because while I like the idea I am unsure if only two/three projects is going to work - mostly because it leaves so many in the pile not being touched.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Having fun is exhausting

This weekend was a wonderful stitching retreat weekend.  
16 stitchers, 3 days, stitching, laughing, eating.  
It's no wonder it was so hard to go to work this morning.

While I was at retreat I started a new project. Clearly I needed a new project (not really)... but this has been calling my name for over a month.  

The fabric is water cress, I decided on green instead of the blue I originally thought I would use.

The pattern is Cougar kitten by The Stitching Studio

And now back to Fortunate traveller - the end is in sight and I want to get it done.