Halloween Theater: Sue Rosenberg:
Friday, Sept 13: 10AM-1PM
What’s this? A Friday the 13th class celebrating Edgar Allen Poe and/or Halloween – is that good planning, or what? This is one of Sue’s favorite kits where the theater itself is masonite.
Take BOTH of Sue’s classes and save $5.00! Friday & Saturday $45.00
Day of the Dead Theater: Sue Rosenberg:
Saturday, Sept 14: 10AM-1PM
This is a great little shelf-sitter! The stage is set with a variety of skulls and bones. This is fun, not scary! Sue brings the theaters (pre-cut from masonite), papers, paints, and stuff. You will need your regular class kit.
Take BOTH of Sue’s classes and save $5.00! Friday & Saturday $45.00
Students will need their class kits; and though Sue will bring plenty of all of this "stuff," you may want to bring: X-Acto knife, things to color with, and/or your own DOD or Halloween papers and adornments.