3x3 Gift Card and Matching Sneakers!
I was so excited when Dean's hairstylist ordered a pair of knitted sneakers....but she was hoping for a navy pair ~ no problem at all ~ so out I went on a hunt for some Not Quite Navy yarn and got clickin' away ~ and here's what I came up with..... And I just HAD to create a matching 3x3 gift card to go along with these sweet little sneakers! ~ I love creating these little 3x3, so fun, so fast... and I think they're adorable to go along with this little gift ~ Here's my little stash of sneakers...they're all spoken for...how fun is that! the little red ones are for Owen, so as soon as I get his little pudgy feet into these, I'll post and show you how stinkin' adorable they look on a sweet pair of baby feet! Thank you so much for stopping by today and having a peek as this super quick post! I hope you have a blessed day today! Please pop in on the second page of my blog...you'll find some knitting that I created. Drop me a line if you have...