
Showing posts with the label Knitting

As I Promised!

Well, if memory serves me correctly, I did say that I would post a few pictures of some one us in here goes.... and here is an amazing shot of one of the cards that were created that night ~ great job Theresa ~ I think YOU should teach the next class!!!  And Owen's Angry Bird Hat...he just happens to love it! Thanks for popping in today ~ I hope you enjoy your day and have a great weekend! Please pop in on the second page of my'll find some knitting that I created. Drop me a line if you have any questions! If you live in Winnipeg or the vicinity and would like to host a party I would love to come and stamp with you and your friends!! Or, if space is an issue, come here and create with me at one of my many clubs or classes! Drop me a line for further info! I'd love to meet you! Enjoy your day!

Got Hats????

Well the creativity has mostly been in the yarn department ~ oh how I miss you Cardstock!!!! But I will be creating tonight with a room full of women ~ I hope I remember to take pictures to show you a few of us in action! But in the mean's what I've been up too ~ Seth wanted an angry bird hat, and this led to  Isaac & Austin wanting as well ~ and I'm loving this!!! And I think Isaac is as well :-) Thanks so much for popping in today ~ off to get my studio ready for tonight ~ I hope you have a wonderful day ~ Blessings to you! Please pop in on the second page of my'll find some knitting that I created. Drop me a line if you have any questions! If you live in Winnipeg or the vicinity and would like to host a party I would love to come and stamp with you and your friends!! Or, if space is an issue, come here and create with me at one of my many clubs or classes! Drop me a line for further info! I'd love to meet you! Enjoy your day...

3x3 Gift Card and Matching Sneakers!

I was so excited when Dean's hairstylist ordered a pair of knitted sneakers....but she was hoping for a navy pair ~ no problem at all ~ so out I went on a hunt for some Not Quite Navy yarn and got clickin' away ~ and here's what I came up with.....   And I just HAD to create a matching 3x3 gift card to go along with these sweet little sneakers! ~ I love creating these little 3x3, so fun, so fast... and I think they're adorable to go along with this little gift ~ Here's my little stash of sneakers...they're all spoken fun is that! the little red ones are for Owen, so as soon as I get his little pudgy feet into these, I'll post and show you how stinkin' adorable they look on a sweet pair of baby feet! Thank you so much for stopping by today and having a peek as this super quick post! I hope you have a blessed day today! Please pop in on the second page of my'll find some knitting that I created. Drop me a line if you have...

Where Did the Time Go???

Okay, so my last post was on the 8th and I can't believe it's the 20th of where have I been ~ well I had a card class on the 5th and then the 12th .... and then the party started ~ Dean & I had Isaac & Austin on the 15th to the 18th ~ 24/7, as Ang & Kevin flew to Boston for a mini vacation...oh, we had a blast, but were absolutely exhausted by the time the kids got home ~ everyday was an adventure and the evenings as well ~ I was up with the kids every night at least 4 times each! yikes!!! and now I'm sleeping like a rock and getting our house slowly back to normal (what a mess) Playing in the puddles and digging into the last bit of snow in our yard...and yes, they both fell into the much fun...I love this! And we headed to Kid City with Andrea, Seth & Owen on one of our outings ~ what a great place for kids of all ages! Not the greatest shots, but you get the idea ~ so so fun!!!! So once the kids left of Sunday, Dean & I wer...

Some New Items

Well I don't have a card to show you today ~ but I do have two new items on my page two! I am having so much fun getting back to knitting! Hope you like my little projects ~ any questions???? please don't hesitate to ask! Baby Sneekers! Rainbow Beanie! Thanks so much for popping by today ~ I hope you have a wonderful day! Please pop in on the second page of my'll find some knitting that I created. Drop me a line if you'd like to make a purchase! If you live in Winnipeg or the vicinity and would like to host a party I would love to come and stamp with you and your friends!! Or, if space is an issue, come here and create with me at one of my many clubs or classes! Drop me a line for further info! I'd love to meet you! Enjoy your day!

No Stampin ~ but lots of Knitting!

Well I was really hoping to have some stampin' time this week, but it ended up being 6 days in the hospital ~ I had to rush my father-in-law into emergency after a routine check up ~ So my week consisted of visiting with my mother-in-law (really struggled with leaving her alone) and then bringing her up to see dad every day and then visiting with both of stampin' for this girl...but knit, wow, did I's a shot of a hat that I knit for our grandson Isaac, this one was too small for him, so I whipped up another one and it fit him beautifully! I should have taken a picture of Isaac with his hat on so you could see how adorable this looks on a childs head! So now I own a smaller version of the same hat....hmmmmm...maybe I should sell some of my creations...I seem to be knitting more than card creating...oh how it hurts to say that! I also knit two adorable baby beanies, but I haven't taken a picture of those yet...I will post them, hopefully some...

PP#78 & Freshly Made for Dean!

I had so much fun creating this card for Dean's birthday....I doesn't have a hint of masculinity on it....but I still like it...just not too sure what Dean will think...but I do know that he adores me, so if anything, we'll have a good laugh about it. So here is how this all came about ~ I have really neglected my card creating lately, just been having so much fun's a peek at some of my projects....and my pictures really didn't turn out so great...these projects really look amazing IRL! This is a ladies cable knit cap and below is a matching (well, the yarn) child's cap A child's Snowborder hat ~ super warm and cozy...I made two of these, one for Austin (1.5 yrs old) and one for Owen (3 months) This cable headband  was inspired by one that can be purchased at  Abercrombie & Fitch! This is so warm and cozy as well!  I hope you enjoyed my other creative obsession!   and so, Dean is out of town, and it's a perfec...