
Showing posts with the label Inspired Thoughts

FMS#555. # Inspiredthoughts #cottagerose #denisewillerton #stmapin'chezmoi #facebooklive #youtubelive

Hello friends, welcome here, I'm so glad you popped by ~ I joined the fabulous  Freshly Made Sketches #555   and followed the sketch that was provided ~ you should jump on in and give this a go too!   I just love the Sentiment on this card ~  I'm sure I'll be inking this up many times ~ it just says it all do you have this fantastic Greenery Die .... oh my, I almost missed that in the catalogue.  I just love how it changes the entire panel on my card front.  this is a keeper!!! Please join me in my studio along with some of my friends ~ let's get creating,  come on in!!! may I be super bold and ask it you would subscribe to my Youtube channel  (Denise Willerton) ~ I'm trying so hard to get my #'s up ~ I would appreciate that so much! 🙂 ~ weird ask, I know 😜 ~ so jump on in and join me in my studio below ! thank you SO much for popping by ~ I hope you enjoyed your time here!!!   So with all this, I bid you adieu ~ Have a fantastic...