rainy weather allows many discoveries - the ability to entertain yourself when all of television is boring (even with 200 channels). finding unfinished project and deciding to finish them. indoor photography. and this old tea cup - i've had it for a while...guess what - it's a homer laughlin. i know. tell me about it. and what's better? i have a set of four. it makes me smile.
i've been reading this month's o magazine (quit laughing) and the articles are centered around the theme, 'you are stronger than you know'. isn't that da dang truth - you never know until times are difficult what strength you have inside. of course - tough times make strength necessary, right? i mean, who needs strength during good times when we are so bubbly happy. *snort* seems a bit obvious to me. but i digress (as usual.) but, yes - most of us never really believe in our own strength until we have to rely on it.
me, i whimper in the corner a bit and think i can't possibly do it and then i push myself off the cliff and dive in. turns out i can sometimes (well, a lot of times) channel an acapulco cliff diver and cut that water like a knife. then i wondered why i was so silly about the whole blasted issue.
where was i going with this? oh yes, discoveries. see the little pattern in the background? this is a book i discovered in one of my mom's stacks of books. she loved coffee table books - you know those big oversized books that you think no one really looks at? she would look for hours at the book stores, sometimes stalking particular books until they went on sale and she could afford them. she would go to yard sales and buy them. this one is 'the laura ashley book of home decorating' circa 1985. i fell in love with the soft green shell pattern. see, a discovery. right under my nose.
also discovered this week - tons of talented women over at the new blog. so much fun and i'm getting to know so many new people. talented photographers, writers, painters...in just three days i've been blown away. when you're over at lens.us.together take a few minutes on the side bar to get to know these women. i think you will be glad you did.
i wonder what else i can discover...off now to study for the insurance examiner's test. hopefully i discover that i can still run a calculator.