My Scrapz

I am a Scrappin Bratz


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Year,New Blog, New Name, New Me!

Yes I have been meaning to give my self a face lift so to speak,
I have decided to change my whole look. I have changed my blog addy also so all of those who follow me please start following my new blog which is Creative_Intuitionz
I hope you all like my new designer name and new look on things as well! I hope to see you all soon!! !

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Designer Call @ Digital Dreams!

Digital dreams is a new up and coming store looking for all types of designers new and old!
if you are looking for a great place to sell with no set up fees no mandatory forums or collabs
please feel free and contact us!

Friday, February 13, 2009

14 Cents Crazy Sale ! @ Treasured Scraps !

Dazzling Scrap VDay Sale!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Come shop all my products are marked down to 60 % off!!
can't beat that sale! So let go shopping !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sale Sale!! Dollar Days @ Scrappin Brats !

30 cents sale on my products!!!!

30 Cents on everything @

I got an Award!

Well 2 actually (lol) I got them from Justine over at PSP Addicts
Thank you Justine!!

Freebie Time!

Hi all friends and family! I wanted to show you all how much I care for you all this Valentines Day with something special.. I hope you like it and tell all your friends too, so they can get my freebie.
all I ask is direct them to my blog please.

don't upload to another site
and please leave a thank you.
it all ways let me know how much you all care so please abide by those tiny rules

thank you so much for being who you all are and again Happy Valentine Day!!
You can Click on the preview to download TY!!! ♥♥♥ ..Melissa

Valentine's Day Store wide sale @ Paradise!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

DT Call and A Sale!! @ Paradise 4 Scrappers

We are currently looking looking for designers who would like to sell in our store.
Email me for more information @ Please put DT
In the subject line and include a small bio about yourself, previews of your work,
URL's to your blog and stores you currently sell at.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dollar Dayz are back @ Scrappin Brat

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Tag !

I always love getting new tags from people who use my kits always brings much needed inspiration. Well I got this tag from Kelly at ct member at Sweet N Sassy Digiscrappers
Love it hunnie thank you so much for your hard work and dedication !!!!

you can find the tut here
cds_bc_tutbykel-1.png picture by purpleheartso8

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Tut with Jubille Kit !!!!

Look at this ! I am speechless I truly am..
I am very please to have such a wonderful down to earth girl like Bev over @
Horseplay tuts as a ct for our store. She has made a tut using my Jubilee kit which of course is in stores now! You can find the tut over @ her blog, So head on over to her blog and the store for some amazing fun !

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

CT Call @ SNS!

Freebie Time! CU Ok Too !

Yep you heard right ..! its that time again when we get in those freebies
I know you all just love them .. don't ya ? huh ? yeah I know you do... (you can't fool me )
:OP (lol) any who you can find my frebie and along with my new CU Ok product Bunnie Cakes !
in all of my stores and plus as always they are on sale! yep ! You all are getting spoiled this week and for the rest of this month ..! you can;t beat that .. So let head on over to any of my stores and get those freebies!! oh yeah the Bunnie Cakes too!! here is a preview of what you will be getting !

CDS.Bunnie Cakes

Freebie >>
CharmeDiva.Scrapz Memories

Monday, February 2, 2009

New tut with Conspicuouly Sexy kit

You can find the tut

50 % to 50 Cents Sale @ Creativity Box!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

New tut ! over @ XclusiveDazines!!

just click on the tag and it will take you straight to the site!

Awesome tags using my kits !!

Hi everybody .. I hope you all are having a great weekend !!
are you all ready for the super bowl? (lol) anywho enough with the sports
let talk about these amazing tags from one of cts from Scrappin Bratz Store Debbie.! She is an amazing tag maker just look at these wonderful creations she has made! come on you know you wanna try out my kit and its only 1.93 cents! .. So cheap (rol) :O) any who look at these tags .. pure creativity!!

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