Sunday, January 15, 2012

Celebrities galore!!!

While Chanc and I were in Vegas I felt like every time I turned around there was someone famous right behind me :) Once I got home I realized I was in most of the pictures and Chanc was always behind the camera :( bad wife award! So I hope to share the spot light at some point and let Chanc get a couple pictures as well! Sorry babe!

Seth Green

50 Cent

Dana White

Lead singer of Nickelback ( I have NEVER been a Nickelback fan but they were actually really good in concert! Sounded better live than on their albums, and the lead singer is much better looking in real life, and yes that is a Tequila shot in his hand. The show was free so don't worry I didn't pay to get in!)


Justin Bieber

I am totally obsessed with Justin Bieber! I use to jam out to a lot of his music in my Zumba classes, Chanc and I have frequent dance parties to his music, I loved his Christmas CD, so when I found out he was going to be at CES this year it was official my Bieber Fever was in full force! I could not wait to meet him and I thought this would be the perfect location because it wouldn't be as hectic as his usual gathering of screaming girls. Well once we got to where we thought JB was at we were so far away from him I started losing hope. I started going to find the line to get my picture with them while Chanc went to figure out what our next step would be. As I stood there all alone I started to tell myself "Kayleigh it isn't life or death you don't have to meet him, you are an adult, etc...." When deep down inside I wanted to cry and stomp my feet, but then Chanc saves the day and finds a way to the front of the line! GO CHANC! He was my hero! Well after getting yelled at by a ton of old crazy men we made it to the front of the line I was totally speechless and felt like a total dumbie when I was getting my picture! Chanc was such a good sport through this madness, but how lucky am I to have a husband who has Beiber Fever just like I do! So thanks again Justin Bieber for rocking my world!

PS how awesome is his Louis Vuitton jacket!? He was even more innocent in real life, his skin is amazing, and don't even get me started on that hair and smile :)