Sunday, November 20, 2011

Where's Waldo and his Sailor!

This year for Halloween we went to Syd and DJ's Halloween party! It has become a tradition. We always have so much fun there and everyone's lives are so busy we don't get to see all of these fun people very often. We bought our Halloween costumes last minute this year but I am loving Chanc as Where's Waldo! I think it is perfect for him! Through out the night he would hide in the back ground of pictures which made for some freaky pics! I hope Syd realizes that even when we are old and grey we still have to have this party! We have so much fun every year. Chanc has finally come to the dark side and he enjoys Halloween. We stayed home on the actual night of Halloween and gave out candy to all the little trick or treaters. It was really fun to see how many people were out and about with their kids! Chanc got really in to it at times and would scare the kids before they would knock on our door! Also he wouldn't give them the candy until they actually said trick-or-treat! It's amazing how many little kids just stick out there bags and say nothing, well not at the Jensen home you have to go all the way or you get NO CANDY! Well here are a couple of pics from the Halloween party! Enjoy!

Cabo October 2011

For our Anniversary vacation this year we packed our bags and headed to CABO!!! We left to LA where we got on a Carnival ship for a week of fun! The first day on the ship was spent mainly docked while they loaded all of the delicious food and way to much luggage! When our luggage was finally delivered to our room and we were un-packing, Chanc realized that my mousse had exploded ALL OVER HIS BAG! Everything was covered! Every single undershirt, shorts, nice shirts, swim suits, you name it my mousse destroyed it! Luckily we got a sweet deal on laundry so by the next morning it was all fresh and clean again! But there for a moment I thought he was going to throw me overboard!

The first day was at Sea where we spent most of the day with Aaron and Sharon exploring the ship! We searched every inch of that ship even places we wish we didn't=at the spa-bathroom sign-open door-naked butt cheeks inside! RRRUUUUNNN! So funny!

The second day-First day at Cabo we went zip-lining! The ride to the location was a very long ride with no speed limits on the streets so needless to say I took a Dramamine before we loaded up with a bunch of strangers and prepared for a REALLY fun day! We got to the course and got all of our gear on, loaded up on sun screen, water, and chap stick and off we went! It was a total blast there was tons of zip lining, rock crawling, ropes to climb across, and also we repelled down one cliff just to cross a little stream! It was a great course and the people that took care of us and kept us safe were really fun as well!

The third day-Second day at Cabo we didn't have as much time that day so we headed over to a local bar on the beach and had a blast! We layed out, ate to much food Yummmm Guacamole, I drank some delicious pina coladas, and we rented Jet skis! It was such a blast to ride around on the ocean! The salt water burned our eyes pretty bad but it was well worth it! Occasionally I would have a moment of freaking out thinking about the sharks and sea monsters below us but for the most part we just screamed and had a blast! I got to take a turn driving and I think I made Chanc realize that I am a little to out of control for his own safety so that didn't last long! We then did some shopping for souvenirs in a local market! It was SO HOT! Sweat dripping from everywhere! Chanc did a good job of keeping me cool and being patient with me because a hot Kayleigh=a very mean Kayleigh :) hey I never said I was perfect! Back to the ship we went!

The fourth day was another day at sea! We spent most of that day eating way to much! playing miniature golf, laying out, eating at the ice cream bar, and just a lot of relaxation! Over all the cruise had some delicious food! We ate way to much lobster, steak, ribs, crazy appetizers, and I ate enough dessert to feed a small village! My favorite was Chocolate molten lava cake with Ice cream! I think I got that 2 or 3 times!

The Final day on ship was spent packing, eating one last delicious meal, and then making our way off of the ship! We went to the beach that day and had a ton of fun just messing around. It was to cold to get in to the ocean but we explored the beach and took some fun pictures!

We stayed the night in Anaheim so we could go to my favorite place in the whole world the next day!!! DISNEYLAND! It was a blast! Chanc and I were there until it closed and they had to push us out of the park! We then went to downtown disney and got a few final souvenirs! I think we got to go on every single ride that day at least once! Of course we did the haunted mansion twice because I love Nightmare Before Christmas! I got to see Tinkerbell fly across the sky! AMAZING! Man I love that place! I think Chanc is secretly addicted to it as well because he drags me around just as much as I do to him! The next day we loaded up Aaron's car for the final time and headed home! It was such a fun trip and I am so glad we got to take the Ron's along for the ride!

I am so thankful for both of our jobs and that we are able to go on such fun trips as a couple! It makes me realize how lucky we are to get to get away and spend some time together!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Supercross 2011

Chanc and I went to Supercross! I absolutely love watching it on TV and we watched every race this year! Go #7! Chase and Sadie came along with us because they love it all too! We had a blast! I was sick as a dog the day before so we didn't head down early and play in the pits all day which we have done in the past and it's super fun but SUPER HOT! We made it to Vegas in time to eat and shop a little and then get to the Races! It was a blast and a lot of good races! The points were close this year so it was a good year to go! Unfortunately Bubba wrecked (Surprise) so it was kind of sad to watch the remainder of the race with out or guy placing First like I think he deserves! The weather was amazing the races were at night and we could all wear tank tops and shorts and not worry about coats and snow like we have to deal with in Cedar! It was a blast overall and we had a blast with Chase and Sadie! Such a fun couple to go with to such an exciting event! Last time we went we were in the front row and Sadie and I were screaming like crazy people! One of the riders actually waved to us I swear! This year I was to busy eating junk food! The lady in front of us was the CRAZIEST person I have ever seen in my life! She was showing the guy next to her all of these crazy pictures of her cats! No joke we were laughing until I cried watching this psycho lady (no idea why she was at supercross in the first place) torture the guy next to her with her magnificent cat slide show on her phone! Not to mention every time I would scream she would give me the dirtiest look ever! Of course it became a game to me and I would scream just for fun! Best part is that she left before the main event! O dear crazy cat lady I miss you every day! Say hello to your cats for me!

Our first dinner on the back patio

Before I hauled out all of our patio furniture I thought that it would be perfect to have a fun little dinner on our back patio to officially celebrate our new yard! I know its a pretty ghetto setup but I love it! I wasn't sure how Brody would respond to the back yard so we kept him in this cage while we ate!
Chanc wasn't very happy with picture time because trust me I take pictures of EVERYTHING we do so he was pretty much over it!

We finally did it!

Once upon a time there was a creepy yard full of weeds, weeds, and more weeds! I promise that the people that lived there did care about their house and yard but dang those weeds just grew like crazy!

Well we finally got down to business and look what we did!

WE FINISHED OUR YARD! Last year when we were building we dreamed of having a big nice block wall and a beautiful finished yard well the problem is money doesn't grow on trees, not to mention how much it costs to buy one tree! So we decided last year to build the block wall and later in life our lawn would come. Chanc and his family leveled the dirt and worked so hard out in the sun for days but we knew it would be to much of a project to actually landscape on our own. After much deliberation and driving SLOWLY past every house in Cedar City, creepy right???? We found our dream guy and we had him get to work!

He was amazing to work with and so good with Chanc and I. He pretty much held our hand through the whole thing because trust me we are a big old pain in the A to work with. I think it turned out more amazing than I ever imagined and Brody and I spend at least 1 hour out back each day! Once the grass has rooted and I can actually walk on it I will pretty much live out there! I am so thankful for such a hard working husband who once again made my dreams come true!

I don't post many pictures of my house on the web because as many of you know I am scared of my own shadow so the thought of people knowing where I live creeps me out a little bit but since this was such a huge accomplishment for us I thought I would share it with you!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big News!

this blog will be short but I will be blogging soon with some exciting pics of what has been going on at the Jensen home ...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

St. Patty's Day+ green food coloring+ me= Good Time

When I was little every St. Patrick's Day my mom would color all of our food green! It was such a fun tradition and I realized this year to keep that tradition going! I surprised Chanc with an all GREEN dinner! He wasn't so thrilled! He is a very picky eater and the thought of eating anything green rubbed him the wrong way! He slowly choked it down and needless to say I think it was a success! I am already busy thinking about next year and what funky stuff I can color then! This year it was ham and pineapple, broccoli, green gatorade, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy! So crazy!

Jazz vs. Celtics

I bought Chanc tickets back in November for the Jazz Celtics game that was in February to give to him for Christmas!

Well needless to say by the time February got here Sloan was retired and Williams had been traded! I was at the point where I didn't really even want to go because it was going to be a terrible game because lets face it the Celtics starting line up could beat the Jazz with one arm tied behind their back! We headed up to Salt Lake for a fun little weekend get away! It turned out to be an AMAZING game! The Jazz did lose but not by much they stuck to it and played really good!

It was so fun to see all the Celtics play because lets face it I know their team better because they have more "Celebrity" players! However I was really disappointed to hear that Shaq was injured and wasn't even traveling with the team so I didn't get to see him!

The typical Chanc picture I think I have one of these EVERYWHERE we go! I always say ok Chanc its picture time! Needless to say he isn't a big fan of picture time fun so he always has a goofy face prepared for the camera!

There are two Amazing things at the Jazz game! The Jazz Bear who is like my favorite thing ever and also Churro's Yumm!

My dream swimming pool!

Chanc and I headed to the Parade of homes in St. George this year with the Ron's it was freezing and raining most of the day! At one point I walked quietly behind an old man to "Share" his umbrella! Well I thought I was pretty slick until I accidentally stepped on his shoe and gave him a flat tire! I then walked back to the group and froze my butt off! Anyways we didn't take tons of pictures but between this pool and tub I was ready to move in!!!!

Zion in February!

I had the great idea to go to Zion with Chanc in February because I was dying to get out and do something new! Needless to say Zion was not a great idea! It was FREEZING! Most trails were closed due to snow and broken trees in trails! Chanc was a good sport and we drove through the tunnel and hiked around a little but needless to say I won't be going back in February ever again!

Miniature Golfing and a sock!

For Valentines Day this year I got to plan a fun little weekend get-a-way for me and the hubs! We went to St. George and stayed in a suite at Abbey Inn it was beautiful! I took Chanc to have Chinese (Which I umm how do I put it nicely? I Hate) but he always eats wherever I choose so it was his turn then we went old school and played miniature golf! It was really fun! I got in trouble once for not taking it serious but other than that we had a blast! Chanc of course won but that's because he is the cutest golf pro ever! He is my tiger woods ya'll!

Then I put a blind fold on Chanc aka this sweet sock!

And we headed off to the bowling alley where we met Derrik and Bridget! It was such a fun night! Bridget and I planned for weeks this surprise and I drove Chanc around a little to try and confuse him but I found out as soon as we arrived that Chanc and Derrik knew all of this all along and all day they were texting and laughing about how sneaky Bridget and I were trying to be! MEANIES! O well it was a fun filled weekend and we had some major good times! On Valentine's Day Chanc sent me some AMAZING flowers and spoiled the crap out of me! He got everything on my WANT LIST haha! Tons of fun new Rachel Ray stuff for my Kitchen! As I was opening my presents I started laughing because I thought to myself when I was 16 years old who would have thought I would be super stoked on like pots, pans, spatulas and such! But here I am today being a crazy little house wive loving me some Rachel Ray!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Chanc and I go with the Ron's to CES every year and I realized that we took hardly any pictures! We did however get in free to Lavo and danced the night away also ate ourselves silly!

It was a night I will never forget! WOW! What a fun crazy time we had!

And the BEST picture of the night! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!! Ta-da! I wasn't lying when I said we Danced like crazy! Needless to say almost every picture is blurry!

A little cute Christmas picture of our Son!

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen! I have a million pictures of Brody with his stocking, the tree, his Christmas sweater, Well you get the picture right?